[policy-wg] Guidelines for Temporary Assignments/Allocations

Howard, W. Lee Lee.Howard at stanleyassociates.com
Mon Dec 5 15:20:39 SAST 2005

I would like to point out a possible area for abuse on the first
proposed policy.  Many ISPs block unallocated address space so that
spammers and other bad guys don't announce space they don't own.  A
pre-determined block of address space that is only occasionally in
use would be an excellent target for them.

Also, the title of the policy includes the words "critical 
establishments" and "like IXPs," but the policy looks like it's  
for temporary assignments only.  I think the title should be
changed--critical infrastructure is separate from temporary


> -----Original Message-----
> From: policy-wg-bounces at afrinic.net 
> [mailto:policy-wg-bounces at afrinic.net] On Behalf Of mouhamet at next.sn
> Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 3:54 PM
> To: policy-wg at afrinic.net
> Subject: [policy-wg] Policy to be discussed in Cairo 
> Dear colleagues,
> The following policies have been proposed and will be
> discussed in Cairo for a last time before being passed
> to the Board:
> o Temporary Assignments & assignments for critical
>    establishments (like IXPs).
>    Policy Affected: None (New)
>    Date: 16-Apr-2005
>    The proposal defines the policy that AfriNIC will use to
>    assign IP Addresses for temporary use. (Alain Aina)
>    http://www.afrinic.net/docs/policies/afpol-tmpal200504.htm
> o Direct/PI Assignments from AfriNIC to end-user organisations.
>    Policy Affected: None (New)
>    Date: 16-Apr-2005
>    The proposal defines the policy for Provider Independent (PI)
>    IPv4 Assignments to end-user organisations in the AfriNIC
>    region (Mark Tinka).
>    http://www.afrinic.net/docs/policies/afpol-v4eu200504.htm
> o Criteria for assignment of AS Numbers.
>    Policy Affected: afpol-as200407-000
>    Date: 16-Apr-2005
>    The proposal defines minor changes to the criteria for ASN
>    assignments in the AfriNIC region (Mark Tinka).
>    http://www.afrinic.net/docs/policies/drafts/afpol-chgasn200508.htm
>    ** Section 4 of the policy document
> o Global policy for IPv6 Allocation from IANA to RIRs.
>    Policy Affected: None (New)
>    Date: 16-Apr-.2005
>    This proposal describes the policy governing the allocation of
>    IPv6 address space from the IANA to the Regional Internet 
> Registries
>    (RIRs).  This document does not stipulate performance requirements
>    in the provision of services by IANA to an RIR in accordance with
>    this policy.  Such requirements will be specified by appropriate
>    agreements between ICANN and the NRO (Alan Barrett).
>    http://www.afrinic.net/docs/policies/drafts/afpol-glbipv6200508.htm
> Thanks
> Mouhamet Diop
> Afrinic Policy Working Group.
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> policy-wg at afrinic.net
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