[policy-wg] Fwd: [afnog] IP addresses returned to AfriNIC by TENET

Adiel A. Akplogan adiel at akplogan.com
Fri Sep 2 00:27:45 SAST 2005

At 13:17 01/09/2005 +0200, you wrote:
>Hey guys - I have a bunch of /24's sitting in 192.96.X.X .. so lets not
>talk about "returning IP space" just yet... Anything in 192/8 is worth
>its weight in Gold (except 192.168. ? ;-) - as /24's are world routable
>(Swamp) (not sure which other /8's are swamp).

Mark, worry not. As said this process will not have effect on IPblock hold
by people if they replay to our call to provide proper information for
them to be properly register in our whois as 'ASSIGNED PI'. Also no fee
will be associated with them [Yet :)]

>Whilst thinking about what Adiel said about there being no aggregation
>of the space, I'd love to swap some (multiple) of the /24 address space
>I have with one particular address ( - so that I end up
>with a contiguous block (/22) on the appropriate bit boundary.... bit of
>renumbering on my side - but worth the bother.

We can work on that direct your concern to hostmaster at afrinic.net and we
can how this can be workable.

- a.
>On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 12:47 +0300, McTim wrote:
> > HI Alan,
> >
> > On 9/1/05, Alan Levin <alan at futureperfect.co.za> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > As I understand, these were swamp space,
> >
> > looks like it to me as well.
> >
> > >
> > > >;
> > > >;
> > > >;
> > > >;
> > > > and
> > > >
> > >
> > > Are they still made up of numerous globally routable /24's?
> > > Is it worth considering a specific allocation policy for this space?
> >
> > I think not. Every corner case doesn't need a specific policy IMHO.
> >
> > If we make specific policies about every situation, then it may tie
> > the hands of the NIC staff somewhere down the line. I think it best to
> > maintain a general set of guidelines for flexibility sake.
> >
> > TENET showed good netizenship here, if we have a "swamp policy", maybe
> > it will inhibit others from doing the same.
> >
> > Having said that, I am willing to listen to anything you may have in
> > mind in re policy text.
> >
>   .  .     ___. .__      Posix Systems - Sth Africa.  e.164 VOIP ready
>  /| /|       / /__       mje at posix.co.za  -  Mark J Elkins, Cisco CCIE
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