[policy-wg] Change in ASN policy: Eligibility criteria Section 4

Adiel A. Akplogan adiel at afrinic.net
Thu Apr 21 14:42:23 SAST 2005

Ye I understand that, What I was clarifying is that ASN resource holders 
are considered in a  different membership category  which cost 50 USD 
annually not 400 USD which is what is paid by  member-only category (No 
resources assigned or allocated) - The fee schedule document is clear on 
that I think, If not it need to be clearly stated.


- a.
>On 20 Apr 2005, at 16:03, Adiel A. Akplogan wrote:
>>Just a clarification here. The 400 is not per annum, it is the setup fee. 
>>The ASN annual fee is 50 USD.
>For your clarity, we are discussing Marks proposal to extend the policy 
>requirement for an ASN to include membership. You are correct that ASN 
>annual fee is $50, but if Marks suggestion is supported then as Greg says, 
>those with ASNs will also have to pay the $400 membership fee.
>I am not against Marks proposal in spirit, as you all know, I am most 
>concerned about the fee structure and will be meeting with Harish to 
>discuss the alternatives as suggested by ISPA SA members, on Sunday.
>Alan Levin
>Tel: +27 21 409-7997
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