[policy-wg] Change in ASN policy: Eligibility criteria Section 4

Christian Hugues Raymond Dona christianakplogan at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 20 22:19:57 SAST 2005

That is a problematics of RIR or NIC or SRIR in general. Truely that information need explanation in the level of which need this for their organization at this time which IPV6 or we can provide a IP or address for all items and theirs components.
Regards and take care.

Gregory Massel <gregm at datapro.co.za> wrote:
> Due to the effects of the new pricing model for ARIN customers, I am not 
> yet in favour of this additional requirement. I have discussed this with 
> members of ISPA SA and proposing a new model at the meetings.

I second that. I feel it is completely unreasonable to impose an additional 
$400 per annum on organisations that simply require an ASN.

In general, I am not a fan of any of the RIR's policies that force 
organisations to become members in order to obtain resources. This just 
creates a situation where a number of people who view the RIR purely as a 
resource provider are forced to receive email that they just delete and 
makes it difficult to assess the involvement of interested parties at 
meetings, in the policy process, etc.

I gather that part of this - at least in certain jurisdictions - has been 
for tax or structural purposes. In some jurisdictions it may be tricky for a 
non-profit organisation to receive income rather than membership fees. 
Unless there is a such a tax/structural requirement for AfriNIC, I'd 
strongly encourage a split between membership fees from resource fees.


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