[policy-wg] Guidelines for Temporary Assignments/Allocations's proposal

Christian Hugues Raymond Dona christianakplogan at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 23:43:29 SAST 2005

Cher Alain,
Je remercie les diverses équipes en vue des multiples avancées
depuis notre dernières rencontres à ouaga.
Bonnes propositions. A quoi s'en tenir au niveau national, sous-régionale,
régionale tenant compte de l'existant. Un comité de pilotage s'impose
à tous les niveaux en vue d'une harmonisation axées sur les résultats,
et un suivi techniques des acquis.

Lamine DIOP <dioplamine at yahoo.com> wrote:
Hello Alain,
i just suggested that we extend the period for this temporary assignment to 3 months.
We should take into account :
 1- The time to instruct the demand and to issue the IP address
 2- Time to be really sure about the event in itself
 3- Time for the send a request to the Telco or the ISP for routing
 4- Time to configure and to be sure that the routing issues are solved in the Telco or the ISP network
 5- Testing period
 6- The event in itself
I did not see these items covered in our environment in one month.
Please reconsider the period.
Mouhamet Diop

"AINA ALAIN PATRICK(TRS)" <aalain at trstech.net> wrote:

Name:  Alain P. Aina
Organisation: TRS Technology
Country: Togo

Policy Afected: New
Date: 16.04.2005

Temporary IP allocation in AfriNIC region.

Guidelines for Temporary Assignments/Allocations:

1.0 Introduction:

In some circumstances, organisations may require IP resources for a certain
period of time, usually one month and less. This could be for exhibitions,
conferences, conventions, etc.

AfriNIC will therefore assign numbering resources to entities requiring
temporary IP numbers for a fixed period of time. In this document, "IP
resources" refers to unicast IPv4/v6 addresses and AS numbers.

2.0 Document! ing the temporary activity:

The activity requiring temporary IP resources should be publicly documented 
available, preferably on a website. Entities requiring such IP resources are
expected to demonstrate an understanding that when the activity or experiment
for which they require the IP resources ends, the IP resources will be 
to AfriNIC.

A "publicly accessible document" is a document that is publicly and openly
available free of charge and free of any constraints of disclosure.

AfriNIC will not recognize any activity under this policy if such an activity
cannot be publicly disclosed.

3.0 Assignments of IP resources

Resources are assigned on a lease basis for a period of one month. The
assignment can be renewed on application to AfriNIC providing the necessary
information . The size of the assigned IP resource will be determine! d from the
plan submitted by the requesting entity.

3.1 Required Documentation:

The requesting organisation should send an e-mail to hostmaster at afrinic.net 
the following contents:

a. Details of Organisation: - Legal Organisation name - Country Where 
- Postal Address - Physical Address - Telephone and Fax Numbers - website 
is a must)

b. Details of activity requiring the temporary assignment. - Website detailing
the activity - Website with a link to similar prevsious activities - Links 
other (relevant) sites about this activity - Any other information that 
should know about - Date when the above activity ends.

c. The planned use of these IP resources - List subnet size required, and for
what it will be used - Any AS numbers. - Reverse delegation, if required

d. The intended date of return of the IP resources above.

Once the above information has been review! ed by AfriNIC, the requesting entity
will be required to fill the appropriate resource-request form and submit to
hostmaster at afrinic.net

3.2 Commercial Use Prohibited

If there is any evidence that the temporary resource is being used for
commercial purposes, or is being used for any activities not documented in the
original description provided above, AfriNIC reserves the right to immediately
withdraw the resource and reassign it to the free pool.

4.0 Administrative fees to AfriNIC

AfriNIC may charge administrative fees (if necessary) for assignment of the
temporary IP numbers above.


In Africa Internet is still a growing technology and time by time
there are high level trainings and event related to Internet
awareness. In most of the case the local hosting organisation
do not have enough IP address to provide to the workshop
Infrastructure, resulting to intensives NAT usage. To avoid this,
AfriNIC should be able to provide temporary address space under
some specific conditions. This policy will allow AfriNIC to do that.


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Mouhamet Diop
79 Rue Joseph Gomis 2eEtage
Tel: +221 8214202
Fax: +221 8214203
Cell:+221 6384288
policy-wg mailing list
policy-wg at afrinic.net

"Christ" Christian Hugues Ramond Dona AKPLOGAN
Engineer in Information System and Management : Network, Telecom. Analyst in Computer Science and Management, Data Processing and Programming and Data multidimensionnal Analysis.
Statistics and Information Technology International Specialist.
Internet Server builder and Administrator.
Network Security, Multidimensionnal Meta and Data Bases Analysis.
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