[IANAOversight] echo from other RIRs

Adiel Akplogan adiel at afrinic.net
Thu Oct 16 23:23:47 UTC 2014

Hello Richard,

Thanks for the inputs. Few comment below:

On Oct 17, 2014, at 02:58 AM, Richard Hill <rhill at hill-a.ch> wrote:

> In response to a question asked on the LACNIC list, I posted the following:
> As far as I can tell, ICANN properly speaking does the following things with
> respect to IP addresses:
> 1. Approves the creation of new RIRs
> 2. Ratifies the policies approved by the RIRs

I will add a precision on (2) above to say “Ratify **Global** policies approved by the RIRs”. Global policy being policies defined by RIR communities to be implemented by ICANN/IANA in managing number resources for the RIRs.

> And, through the IANA function, it does the following:
> 3. Allocates top-level IP address blocks to the RIRs

I will say “Allocate IP prefixes and ASN blocks to RIRs based on related global policies”.

> 4. Publishes those allocations on its web site

“Publish and maintain these allocations in a global and open registry".

> One could envisage transferring all those functions to the NRO, which would
> in effect mean that the RIRs would be supervising those functions.  Since
> the RIRs are responsible to their members, that would mean that the members
> of the RIRs would be supervising those functions.

This is a suggestion for discussion and we will appreciate to hear from other on this list about it. To help the input on this, I will just add a question related to your proposal: Why will we move this part of the function out of ICANN if  right now, as RIR we have no reason to complain about the performance of the service provided by ICANN?

- a.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ianaoversight-bounces at afrinic.net
>> [mailto:ianaoversight-bounces at afrinic.net]On Behalf Of Adiel Akplogan
>> Sent: vendredi, 17. octobre 2014 00:49
>> To: ianaoversight at afrinic.net
>> Subject: [IANAOversight] echo from other RIRs
>> Hello all,
>> Recently two RIRs (ARIN and APNIC) had a community discussion
>> during their second face to face meetings. Below are the outcome
>> from their session that can inspire us as well. I’m very much
>> interested in the strawman proposal discussed at APNIC meeting:
>> https://blog.apnic.net/2014/09/17/iana-stewardship-transition-apnic-38/
>> Blog About discussion at ARIN:
> http://blog.apnic.net/2014/10/14/iana-stewardship-transition-discussion-at-a
> rin-34/
> Thoughts?
> - a.

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