[DBWG] Possible solutions to the changed attribute issue

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Thu Sep 10 20:46:02 UTC 2020

On 10 Sep 2020, at 20:26, Cedrick Adrien Mbeyet wrote:

> A project to revamp of MyAfrinic has kicked off already and

> development

> is ongoing.

hi cedrick,

thank you for the note about the security status of my.afrinic, but
that’s not really a matter for discussion here. the real issue, is
that there was a suggestion from your staff, to move from something that
is considered secure (pgp) to something *less* secure (the my.afrinic
portal) and, whilst we appreciate your efforts to secure your portal,
that does not make it better than me, having my own pgp key, and
performing updates via pgp-signed mail.

unless there’s a common feeling otherwise?

please continue your work; but for dbwg purposes, there are at least
three, demonstrably human participants of this list and users of your
database, that have said a loud “NO” to removing updates via signed


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