[DBWG] Is DBWG @ AFRINIC a secret society?

Ben Maddison benm at workonline.africa
Sun Dec 20 13:47:50 UTC 2020

Hi Ronald,

On 12/19, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:

> Please excuse my impertinent question, but I am forced to ask...


> Is this AFRINIC Data Base Working Group and its associated mailing

> list intended to be a secret?


Poorly documented != secret.

> I don't mind if it is. I rather like being a member of a secret

> invitation-only club.


I'm afraid you'll need to start one then.

> It's just that I would never even have known that this working group

> or this mailing list even existed until someone tipped me off about

> its existence recently.


Until relatively recently, this WG was not really 'doing' much of
anything, and would have escaped the notice of any but the keenest observer.

This is well on its way towards changing.

See a presentation I gave on this topic recently if you're interested:


> Unless I need new glasses, it certainly doesn't appear to be mentioned

> anywhere on this page that lists all of the other AFRINIC Working Groups

> and mailing lists:


> https://afrinic.net/email


That looks like an oversight to me.

Perhaps someone from the staff would fix it?

In the meantime, you can get there from:

> So, is there a secret handshake that goes with membership, like what

> the Freemasons have?


I think that even the Freemasons have probably re-evaluated handshakes
this year!

> And is there some secret way that only you insiders know for how to

> access the DBWG mailing list archives?


> Looking forward to being enlightened.


Let me know if you have any other questions?



(acting co-chair dbwg)
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