[DBWG] route-object auto-created from a ROA

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Mon Jun 10 14:53:12 UTC 2019

On 6 May 2019, at 9:46, Yogesh Chadee wrote:

> Hi,
> We were too optimistic when we said we would deliver in Q1. The 
> activity plan was later prepared and projects to improve on some 
> internal tools had to be completed first to support operations.
> We are working to slot in the DBWG items on the AIS agenda.

thanks for getting this into the programme.
i went looking on the programme, and i see that there is now a half-day 
session on : SUNDAY - 16 JUNE 2019, at the Apollo Room.

> In the meantime, here are the requirements and specifications we have 
> drafted:
> ====
> MyAFRINIC Interface to manage IRR objects and ROAs
> There have been requests from some members to have an easier way to 
> manage both RPKI and IRR. Some ROAs require corresponding IRR objects 
> and some IRR objects require corresponding ROAs. This project aims at 
> providing a centralized system built inside MyAFRINIC that will allow 
> members to better manage their IRR objects as well as securing them 
> with RPKI.
> For a first release, the implementation will focus on Route and Route6 
> objects and ROAs. The plan is to include the following user stories :
> User stories
> #
> Title
> User Story
> Importance
> Notes/Specs
> 1.	New ROA	As a member, I want to be able to create a ROA and be able 
> to create Route/(6) objects for the prefixes that are covered in the 
> ROA	Must Have	
> When submitting the create ROA form, the system should check whether 
> there are Route/(6) objects for the prefixes covered in the ROA exist 
> in the WHOIS.
> If Route/(6) objects do not exist for all or some of the covered 
> prefixes, prompt the user to choose whether he wants to create them.
> Give user a form to with additional fields for the Route/(6) objects.
> Create as many Route/(6) objects as required becase on the prefix 
> length
> 2.	Existing ROAs	As a member, when I view an existing ROA, I want to 
> know whether corresponding Route/(6) objects exist, and if not, given 
> the form to allow me to create them	Must Have	
> 3.	Revoking ROAs	As a member, if I want to revoke a ROA I want to have 
> the possibility of deleting my Route/(6) objects as well if I wish 
> to.	Must Have	
> 4.	View Route objects	As a member, I want to be able to see all my 
> Route objects	Must Have	
> 5.	View Route6 objects	As a member, I want to be able to see all my 
> Route6 objects	Must Have	
> 6.	Create Route object	As a member, I want to create a Route object 
> and be asked if I want to generate a ROA to cover this Route 
> object	Must Have	
> Need to check if the member's engine is activated
> 7.	Create Route6 object	As a member, I want to create a Route6 object 
> and be asked if I want to generate a ROA to cover this Route6 
> object	Must Have	
> Need to check if the member's engine is activated
> 8.	Delete Route object	As a member, I want to be able to delete my 
> Route object and asked if I wish to revoke the corresponing ROA if 
> there is one	Must Have	
> 9.	Delete Route(6) object	As a member, I want to be able to delete my 
> Route6 object and asked if I wish to revoke the corresponing ROA if 
> there is one	Must Have	
> 10.	Edit Route object	As a member, I want to be able to delete my 
> Route object	Must Have	
> 11.	Edit Route6 object	As a member, I want to be able to delete my 
> Route6 object	Must Have	
> 12.	Inconsistency report	As a member, I want to be able to view all my 
> Route/(6) objects that are not covered by a ROA.	Must Have	

might i suggest a starting point as a simple check and alert for:  
member has a prefix but does not have any IRR objects/ROAs for said 
(and then extend to what’s in BGP.  (hat tip to irrexplorer))

i understand you’ve listed this as a first release, but i don’t see 
extending this to AS-SET making it a lot more difficult ?


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