[DBWG] RIPE proposed changes to the routing registry

Frank Habicht geier at geier.ne.tz
Fri May 18 06:37:54 UTC 2018

Hi all,

maybe a (growing) white-list of (non-AfriNIC) ASNs allowed as "origin:"
can be maintained and additions are vetted by Hostmaster(s)??

Sound like some work, but likely less than manually doing each route(6)
addition for these cases.

just wondering...


On 5/17/2018 4:37 PM, Saul Stein wrote:
> Hi
>> However, given that a check like this *is* being done today, so far it's
> been felt easier to have a human do it, than to automate around all the
> edge cases. Like for example where the "foreign" >ASN is registered to a
> subsidiary or parent company, so there is no *direct* one-to-one mapping
> of Org name in WHOIS, and knowledge of multi-national business
> relationships may be needed >to determine the link.
> SO either remove the check or:
> Why not automate for the 99% of the cases so that we can have instant
> gratification at what ever hour of the night. If however you fall into
> that 1% of dubious origins, that it is held for validation for the first
> time. Thereafter for the next request, it will be automatically approved.
> While that isn't ideal, its that start while you work out how to resolve
> the automation.
> Thanks
> Saul
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