<p dir="ltr">Sent from my Asus Zenfone2<br>
Kindly excuse brevity and typos.<br>
On 5 Dec 2015 18:11, "Jean Robert Hountomey" <<a href="mailto:jrhountomey@gmail.com">jrhountomey@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>
> Third, I do think that a Governance Committee should be vested with the powers to oppose a decision made by the Board.<br>
SO: From the current charter, the GC once constituted will be able to recommend/advice on decisions that may have been made by board. However, it should/must remain within the powers of the members to act based on the GC advice. The board must remain the top of the organisation and we should not create yet another small group of people with such powers (another board) to oppose boards decision.</p>
<p dir="ltr">><br>
If they can't then why<br>
> create another organization to give advice to the Board ?<br>
SO: <br>
The GC does not just advice the board, it advices the community as well. So it could advice the community to do xyz because the board failed to do abc.</p>
<p dir="ltr">The council of elders on the other hand are a team of experienced expert who provides high level advice to the board, especially when there are issues that has generate unreasonable controversies et all. It would be inefficient/belittling to put have the COE carry out the role of the GC. The GC by charter is expected to engage more with the community </p>
<p dir="ltr">Regards<br>
> On 12/4/15 7:43 AM, <a href="mailto:jnoulaye@yahoo.fr">jnoulaye@yahoo.fr</a> wrote:<br>
>> Dear Afrinic Members,<br>
>> The Governance Committee charter is a wonderful document we have now. <br>
>> After the discussion in face to face on it yesterday I understood that the board will continue receiving comments, and will come out with the consolidated document during the next AGMM. <br>
>> Below are my few comments.<br>
>> a) My feeling is that the constitution of the GC is too large. I expected a committee of maximum of 3 people, since the role of that Committee is only to provide ADVICES when it is needed to the Board of Directors.<br>
>> b) My take is that AFRINIC is still a very small organization to have a GC of 11 members.<br>
>> c) I suggest that when the charter will be consolidated by the Board, we just keep it and re-reactive it when the need will be. If you agree with me, we add the following as article 11 into the current draft.<br>
>> ------<br>
>> 11 - Starting of the Governance Committee.<br>
>> The Governance Committee will start acting when the need will be, by an ordinary resolution of AFRINIC Membership at the Annual General Member's Meeting requesting the board to take such action.<br>
>> ------<br>
>> Best wishes to All.<br>
>> Janvier Ngnoulaye<br>
>> Afrinic Member<br>
>> Academia - Yaounde Cameroon<br>
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