[Community-Discuss] Breach of the Code of Conduct by Mr Ronald Guilmette

AFRINIC Communication comms at afrinic.net
Tue Mar 23 14:12:41 UTC 2021

[Version en français au bas]

Dear community,

The moderation period of Mr. Ronald Guilmette is now over.


AFRINIC Communications & PR Team


Chère communauté,

La période de modération de M. Ronald Guilmette est maintenant terminée.


AFRINIC Communications & PR Team

> On 23 Feb 2021, at 22:51, AFRINIC Communication <comms at afrinic.net> wrote:


> Dear AFRINIC community members,


> Mr. Ronald Guilmette has repeatedly violated the code of conduct of the AFRINIC community mailing list despite being notified of this on several occasions including the following:


> On the 31st of August 2020, AFRINIC’s CEO filed a complaint against Mr. Guilmette due to the violation of Code of Conduct on the Community mailing list to the Governance Committee (Gov Com)

> https://afrinic.net/ast/gc2020-04-violation-code-of-conduct.pdf


> The complaint was later referenced in the blogpost AFRINIC published on the code of conduct: safeguarding the processes that built the Internet.

> https://afrinic.net/20200903-code-of-conduct


> As a result, Mr. Guilmette was officially notified by the Gov Com of the investigation of a possible breach of the AFRINIC code of conduct to which he offered the following response.

> https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/community-discuss/2020-October/003717.html


> We have not taken action against Mr. Guilmette till now as we are still waiting for the result of the above investigation.


> However, due to the repeated personal attacks that Mr. Guilmette launches against others that may or may not be subscribed to the list, in addition to the statements, in his last email, pertaining explicitly to the Supreme Court of Mauritius that could expose him to legal actions for an offence known as ‘’Scandalising the Court’’ and that may jeopardise AFRINIC’s position in front of the Mauritian court.


> In light of the above AFRINIC has taken action in this matter to preserve the open and inclusive nature that this community is founded upon.


> Mr. Guilmette’s posts to the community mailing list will be subject to moderation for a period of 30 days effective immediately as of 23 February 2021.


> This means:


> • Mr. Guilmette will continue to receive emails as the rest of the mailing list subscribers.

> • Mr. Guilmette’s emails to the list will be subjected to approval from the mailing list moderator to guarantee that his posts are in line with the Code of Conduct.

> • In case the moderator finds the content of the email in breach the email will be dropped and will not be forwarded to the list, otherwise Mr. Guilmette’s email will go through after review.

> • Finally Mr. Guilmette’s last post will be removed from the mailing list archives.


> We rely on our community’s usual collaboration to create a healthy space for discussion where we can trust each other and hope you will endeavour to continue to promote meaningful interactions on this mailing list in line with our code of conduct in place.


> Regards,


> AFRINIC Communications & PR Team.

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