[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC's Update (with translation)

Sarah T. Kiden skiden at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 23:40:21 UTC 2021

I agree. Whatever conclusions we come to on the list will not be relevant
in the court room on 4 Aug. So, I suggest that we exercise some patience as
we wait for an update.



On Wed, 28 Jul 2021 at 00:04, robert ford via Community-Discuss <
community-discuss at afrinic.net> wrote:

> I couldn’t agree more.


> Does he get it though? I bet he does.


> Ford


> Sent from my iPhone


> On 28 Jul 2021, at 00:19, Mirriam via Community-Discuss <

> community-discuss at afrinic.net> wrote:


> Owen,



> Stop dragging the CEO in your nonsense and await the court hearing.


> Mirriam.




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> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 7:12 PM, Owen DeLong via Community-Discuss

> <community-discuss at afrinic.net> wrote:

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