[Community-Discuss] Notice of imminent reclamation of number resources

Erick Joshua Lagon erickj.lagon at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 08:21:54 UTC 2021


It’s privacy infringement if it’s a private matter. How is this a private
matter when concerning clearly tons of users? I have to say it’s the second
time I saw Paul Wollner posted, and I hope AFRINIC will not ignore him and
address his questions. We’re in a supposedly transparent community.


On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 3:50 PM Mimi dy <dym5328 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,


> I think that Paul has the right to request such information. As far as I

> am concerned, any open and transparent community to the best of its

> capacity, allows its members to be informed and provides any sort of useful

> piece of info. It is no secret that those particular values are the bedrock

> of the whole RIR system. In fact, this matter concerns not only the named

> company but also millions of users, I think Eddy has stated it himself in

> his email.


> That is NOT a "private" matter, it certainly concerns a much broader group

> of people and we would like the community to be fully included in this

> process, in the light of understanding the process of how such a decision

> is made.


> Best,


> Le ven. 9 juil. 2021 à 07:56, DANIEL NANGHAKA <dndannang at gmail.com> a

> écrit :


>> Dear Paul,


>> I don't think who voted is of importance to the community. We need to

>> protect the privacy of the board members.


>> The information you are requesting for infringes on privacy rights of the

>> board.


>> Otherwise, thanks for your concern.


>> Daniel Nanghaka


>> On Fri, Jul 9, 2021, 9:49 AM Paul Wollner <paul.wollner at africaoncloud.net>

>> wrote:


>>> To whom it may concern,


>>> I believe the community would be most interested to see the notice,

>>> attendance, and voting

>>> record of the recent board meeting where Cloud Innovation’s membership

>>> was summarily

>>> terminated without notice and without opportunity to respond or appear

>>> in their own defense.


>>> I think the community would be most interested to know:


>>> 1. Which board members agreed to the meeting on short notice?

>>> 2. Which board members voted in favor of the motion and which

>>> against?

>>> 3. Who tabled and who seconded the motion?

>>> 4. What was the nature and extent of deliberations?

>>> 5. Why the urgency to act so swiftly after the judge set aside the

>>> order?

>>> 6. When was the meeting noticed?

>>> 7. When did the meeting take place?

>>> 8. How/where did the meeting take place?


>>> Regards,

>>> Paul Wollner







>>> ---- On Thu, 08 Jul 2021 23:14:18 +0200 Eddy Kayihura<eddy at afrinic.net>

>>> wrote ----


>>> Dear Colleagues,


>>> AFRINIC hereby informs all those concerned that it has initiated

>>> actions for the reclamation of Internet number resources from Cloud

>>> Innovation Ltd.


>>> On 07 July 2021, the Supreme Court of Mauritius delivered a judgement

>>> whereby the application for injunction lodged by Cloud Innovation Ltd has

>>> been set aside.


>>> Consequently, on 08 July 2021, AFRINIC’s Board of Directors, whilst

>>> acting reasonably and in good faith, more so, in light of the judgment of

>>> the Supreme Court of Mauritius, found that Cloud Innovation Ltd failed to

>>> honour its obligations under the Registration Service Agreement and has

>>> thus decided to terminate the membership of Cloud Innovation Ltd as

>>> well as reclaim its number resources in the following manner:


>>> - The resources previously allocated to Cloud Innovation Ltd will be

>>> ‘frozen’ on the AFRINIC WHOIS database with Cloud Innovation Ltd no longer

>>> having access to the same.


>>> -


>>> In order not to disrupt Internet connectivity of the relevant users

>>> especially in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, all affected

>>> users will exceptionally be granted a grace period of 90 days to consider

>>> other available options in their best interests. Consequently, the actual

>>> reclamation of the relevant number resources will occur following the

>>> expiry of the grace period.



>>> Eddy Kayihura

>>> Chief Executive Officer,

>>> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

>>> ceo at afrinic.net


>>> ………………………………………………………………………………………..


>>> Chers collègues,


>>> AFRINIC informe toutes les personnes concernées qu'elle a entamé des

>>> actions de réclamation des ressources de numéros Internet auprès de Cloud

>>> Innovation Ltd.


>>> Le 07 juillet 2021, la Cour Suprême de Maurice a rendu un jugement par

>>> lequel la demande d'injonction déposée par Cloud Innovation Ltd a été

>>> rejetée.


>>> En conséquence, le 08 juillet 2021, le Conseil d'administration

>>> d'AFRINIC, tout en agissant raisonnablement et de bonne foi, et plus

>>> encore, à la lumière du jugement de la Cour Suprême de Maurice, a constaté

>>> que Cloud Innovation Ltd n'a pas honoré ses obligations en vertu du Contrat

>>> de Service d'Enregistrement et a donc décidé de résilier l'adhésion de

>>> Cloud Innovation Ltd ainsi que de réclamer ses ressources de numéros

>>> Internet de la manière suivante :


>>> - Les ressources précédemment attribuées à Cloud Innovation Ltd

>>> seront "gelées" dans la base de données WHOIS d'AFRINIC et Cloud Innovation

>>> Ltd n'y aura plus accès.

>>> -


>>> Afin de ne pas interrompre la connectivité Internet des utilisateurs

>>> concernés, notamment dans le contexte actuel de la pandémie de COVID-19,

>>> tous les utilisateurs concernés bénéficieront exceptionnellement d'une

>>> période de grâce de 90 jours pour envisager d'autres options disponibles

>>> dans leur intérêt. Par conséquent, la réclamation effective des ressources

>>> numériques concernées aura lieu après l'expiration de la période de grâce.



>>> Eddy Kayihura

>>> Chief Executive Officer,

>>> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

>>> ceo at afrinic.net


>>> …………………………………….


>>> زملائي الأعزاء،


>>> تُبلغ AFRINIC بموجب هذا جميع الأطراف المعنية بأنها قد بدأت إجراءات

>>> لاسترداد موارد أرقام الإنترنت من Cloud Innovation Ltd.


>>> في 07 يوليو 2021 ، أصدرت المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس حكماً تم بموجبه إلغاء

>>> طلب الإنذار المقدم من شركة Cloud Innovation Ltd.


>>> وبالتالي ، في 08 يوليو 2021 ، وجد مجلس إدارة AFRINIC ، أثناء تصرفه بشكل

>>> معقول وبحسن نية ، في ضوء حكم المحكمة العليا لموريشيوس ، أن Cloud Innovation

>>> Ltd فشلت في الوفاء بالتزاماتها بموجب اتفاقية خدمة التسجيل وبالتالي قررت

>>> إنهاء عضوية Cloud Innovation Ltd وكذلك استعادة مواردها الرقمية بالطريقة

>>> التالية:


>>> سيتم "تجميد" الموارد المخصصة سابقًا لشركة Cloud Innovation Ltd في قاعدة

>>> بيانات AFRINIC WHOIS ، حيث لم يعد بإمكان Cloud Innovation Ltd الوصول إليها.


>>> من أجل عدم تعطيل اتصال الإنترنت للمستخدمين المعنيين خاصة في السياق

>>> الحالي لوباء COVID-19 ، سيتم منح جميع المستخدمين المتأثرين بشكل استثنائي

>>> فترة سماح مدتها 90 يومًا للنظر في الخيارات المتاحة الأخرى بما يحقق مصلحتهم

>>> الفضلى. وبالتالي ، فإن الاسترداد الفعلي لموارد الأرقام ذات الصلة سيحدث بعد

>>> انتهاء فترة السماح.

>>> Eddy Kayihura

>>> Chief Executive Officer,

>>> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

>>> ceo at afrinic.net


>>> …………………………….


>>> Caros Colegas,


>>> AFRINIC informa todos os interessados que iniciou acções para a

>>> recuperação de recursos de números de Internet da Cloud Innovation Ltd.


>>> Em 07 de Julho de 2021, o Supremo Tribunal das Maurícias proferiu uma

>>> sentença pela qual o pedido de injunção apresentado pela Cloud Innovation

>>> Ltd foi anulado.


>>> Consequentemente, a 08 de Julho de 2021, o Conselho de Administração da

>>> AFRINIC, embora agindo razoavelmente e de boa fé, mais ainda, à luz do

>>> acórdão do Supremo Tribunal das Maurícias, considerou que a Cloud

>>> Innovation Ltd não honrou as suas obrigações ao abrigo do Acordo de Serviço

>>> de Registo, tendo assim decidido pôr termo à adesão da Cloud Innovation

>>> Ltd, bem como reclamar os seus recursos numéricos da seguinte forma:


>>> - Os recursos anteriormente atribuídos à Cloud Innovation Ltd serão

>>> "congelados" na base de dados AFRINIC WHOIS, tendo a Cloud Innovation Ltd

>>> deixado de ter acesso à mesma.

>>> -


>>> A fim de não perturbar a conectividade Internet dos utilizadores

>>> relevantes, especialmente no actual contexto da pandemia COVID-19, todos os

>>> utilizadores afectados terão excepcionalmente um período de graça de 90

>>> dias para considerar outras opções disponíveis no seu melhor interesse.

>>> Consequentemente, a recuperação efectiva dos recursos numéricos relevantes

>>> ocorrerá após o termo do período de carência.


>>> Eddy Kayihura

>>> Chief Executive Officer,

>>> African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)

>>> ceo at afrinic.net


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