[Community-Discuss] Improving NomCom Processes (was Re: NomCom Chairs Private Message)
aalain at trstech.net
Fri Mar 27 11:17:37 UTC 2020
Hi Mike,
It is always good to acknowledge our mistakes, errors and learn from them to continuously improve our processes, activities and deliverables.
As for the election's proceedings, the current model must evolve. If i am allowed, I will offer again, the comments i submitted recently* as first input to the discussions.
(*) https://afrinic.net/call-for-comments-bod-election-process-guidelines-20181126
> On 19 Mar 2020, at 11:45, Mike Silber <silber.mike at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Komi
> I have noted your comments, as well as John’s input.
> I tend to agree that actions “in good faith” can be excused, but only for so long.
> In the case of the NomCom, the processes need to be improved and formalised. Your suggestion regarding regional exclusion is one issue that needs to be reconsidered. There are many other opportunities for improvement and I understand this process is underway.
> A couple of suggestions emanating from the ICANN NomCom review:
> leadership continuity: the Board appoints a chair and an associate chair. The associate chair is selected as a possible/likely chair for the next year and gives her/him the chance to become familiar with processes. In addition, the previous year’s chair stays on as an advisor to the chair
> code of conduct and confidentiality: each year the NomCom confirms their adherence to a code of conduct and confidentiality undertakings, which are published
> carry over of candidates - prior year candidates may be approached to see if they will consider standing again
> active outreach, including using recruitment firms and placing adverts in the media
> Can I ask if anyone has views on the above or other suggestions regarding improvement - you share them in this renamed thread?
> Regards
> Mike
>> On 19 Mar 2020, at 10:24, Komi Elitcha <kmw.elitcha at gmail.com <mailto:kmw.elitcha at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Dear Walu,
>> I hope you read Marcus introductory message on the topic including the questions raised.
>> As someone who served on many NomCom and former board member, I do assume you understand very well the role and responsibilities of NomCom members and the meaning of the following text from the elections guidelines:
>> ***
>> “The Board further expects NomCom members to:
>> be neutral; to have no interest in the results of the elections;......”
>> ***
>> I am glad you concluded your message by encouraging NomCom members to do their job without fear or favor...I see convergence as the overall goal is to make sure NomCom members remain neutral and fair and not conflicted.
>> On a more general note, I tend to conclude that having only 4 NomCom members(not domiciled in a region whose seat is open for renewal ...) advertising and searching candidates in their tiny personal network can only give the results we’ve seen recently with few number of candidates per seat.
>> Evidently, Afrinic demands nomcom be regional and ones own network could be limiting
>> Hope this help,
>> - Komi
>>> On Mar 15, 2020, at 15:40, John Walu <walu.john at gmail.com <mailto:walu.john at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> I am also struggling to understand the 'crime'.
>>> I served on several past Nomination Committees and my first line of advertising/recruitment was always my own networks. For the simple reason that I really didn't have access to OTHER peoples networks.
>>> AfriNIC has in recent times struggled to raise multiple candidates per seat and so NomComm Members and Chair should be encouraged to cast their search as wide as possible....naturally charity, would I presume to begin from home.
>>> So evidence or no evidence, NOMCOM please keep advertising and searching without fear or favor.
>>> walu
>>> From: Marcus K. G. Adomey [madomey at hotmail.com <mailto:madomey at hotmail.com>]
>>> Sent: 09 March 2020 18:50
>>> To: community-discuss at afrinic.net <mailto:community-discuss at afrinic.net>
>>> Subject: [Community-Discuss] NomCom Chairs Private Message
>>> Dear Community,
>>> Our goodwill advocates have sighted an email message from the recently appointed and current NomCom chair to his favorite private mailing list in South Africa soliciting applications from the country in question.
>>> As a community, we have a few questions to ensure fairness in terms of recruitment of people based on merit and most importantly diversity.
>>> 1. Would the NomCom please share announcements equally well across other African countries to the same extent as the NomCom chair is doing for specifically South Africa?
>>> 2. Is this a personal act or was this done in his capacity as the NomCom chair where utmost objective neutrality is expected.
>>> 3. The said message asks for more South African representation even though it indicates SA already has a seat.
>>> Does this show some level of bias from the chairman of NomCom.
>>> 4. The said email indicates that the best way to influence the organization (meaning AfriNIC) is by getting involved and appeals for people on the said list to do so.
>>> This shows intent of bias focused on a specific country with aim of control while development is totally forgotten.
>>> Marcus
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>> -KE
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