[Community-Discuss] Postponement of AGMM

Noah noah at neo.co.tz
Wed Mar 25 16:07:06 UTC 2020

Dear Chairman,

Thank you for this wise decision for the best interest of the members and
the wider African internet community at large.

In light of this development and as per the communication from NOMCOM Chair
[1], the nomination period is supposed to be closed on 4 April 2020.

Now, following the postponement of the AGMM what is the status of the
deadline. One could suggest that the best course of action could be to keep
the application open until the final date of the meeting will be decided.

Considering the levels of anxiety the current pandemic is causing coupled
the impact in terms of communication across Africa with various countries
going into lockdown. Honestly speaking we are more focused on our safety at
this moment and most African countries are lockdown with limited access to
Internet for some folks.

Best regards


On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 10:31 AM AFRINIC Communication <comms at afrinic.net>

> Dear Members,


> Following the worldwide outbreak and impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

> pandemic on public health and safety, we have given serious consideration

> to the maintenance of the AFRINIC Annual General Members’ Meeting (AGMM)

> that was supposed to be held during the Annual Internet Summit 2020 in

> Kinshasa on June 11, 2020.


> We have assessed the risk involved as regards the movement of staff and

> attendees bearing in mind the lockdown being implemented in several

> countries, including those on the continent.


> A first consequence of the above has been the postponement of all the

> activities of the Africa Internet Summit 2020 (AIS’20).


> Noting the above the AFRINIC Board of Directors held a special Board

> meeting on Friday 20 March 2020 and examined


> (i) the feasibility of holding the June 2020 via “audio, or audio and

> visual communication” on the original date as scheduled;

> (ii) the need to postpone the Annual General Members’ Meeting (AGMM) which

> is usually held during AIS’20.


> The AFRINIC legal team has advised that in terms of


> (a) the provisions of Paragraph 3(a) (ii) of Schedule 5 of the Companies

> Act, had to be fully complied with in the event that an on line AGMM was to

> be resorted to.

> (b) Section 115 of the Companies Act AFRINIC has the option of holding the

> AGMM either before 30 June 2020- its financial year ended on 31 December

> 2019 – or within a delay of 15 months after the previous AGMM, not later

> than 19 September 2020.


> Thus, it was decided that the AGMM be postponed to September 2020 at a

> date yet to be decided in the event that no fully and legally compliant

> technical option is available for holding the June 2020 AGMM online.


> The Board will communicate in due course the date and mode of holding of

> the AGMM.


> Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.


> Sincerely,



> Dr. Christian D. Bope

> Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors


> …………………………………………………………………


> [Français]


> Chers membres,


> Suite à l'épidémie mondiale et à l'impact de la pandémie de COVID-19

> (Coronavirus) sur la santé et la sécurité publiques, nous avons

> sérieusement envisagé le maintien de l'Assemblée générale annuelle des

> membres de l'AFRINIC (AGMM) qui devait se tenir lors du Sommet Africain de

> l'Internet 2020 à Kinshasa le 11 juin 2020.


> Nous avons évalué le risque lié au déplacement du personnel et des

> participants en tenant compte du confinement en vigueur dans plusieurs

> pays, y compris sur le continent.


> Une première conclusion de ce qui précède a été le report de toutes les

> activités du Sommet Africain de l'Internet 2020 (AIS'20).


> Suite à ce déroulement, le conseil d’administration de l'AFRINIC a tenu

> une réunion spéciale le vendredi 20 mars 2020 afin d'examiner:


> (i) la faisabilité de la tenue de la conférence en juin 2020 par

> communication audio, ou audio et visuelle à la date prévue initialement;

> (ii) la nécessité de reporter l'assemblée générale annuelle des membres

> (AGMM) qui se tient habituellement pendant l'AIS’20.


> L'équipe juridique d'AFRINIC a indiqué qu'en termes:


> (a) des dispositions du paragraphe 3(a)(ii) de l'annexe 5 de la loi sur

> les sociétés (Companies Act) devaient être pleinement respectées dans le

> cas où l'on aurait recours à une AGMM en ligne.

> (b) de l'article 115 de la loi sur les sociétés (Companies Act), AFRINIC

> a la possibilité de tenir l'AGMM soit avant le 30 juin 2020 - son exercice

> financier s'est terminé le 31 décembre 2019 - soit dans un délai de 15 mois

> après l'AGMM précédente, au plus tard le 19 septembre 2020.


> Ainsi, il a été décidé que l'AGMM serait reportée à septembre 2020 à une

> date qui reste à déterminer dans le cas où aucune option technique

> pleinement et légalement conforme n'est disponible pour la tenue de l’AGMM

> en ligne en juin 2020.


> Le Conseil d'administration communiquera en temps utile la date et le mode

> de tenue de l'AGMM.


> Nous vous remercions d'avance de votre compréhension et de votre

> coopération.


> Je vous remercie de votre compréhension et de votre coopération,



> Dr Christian D. Bope

> Président du conseil d'administration de l’AFRINIC


> ………………………..


> [البرتغالية]


> أعضاء العزيز،


> بعد تفشي وباء فيروس COVID-19 (Coronavirus) وتأثيره في جميع أنحاء العالم

> على الصحة والسلامة العامة ، أخذنا في الاعتبار بجدية الحفاظ على الاجتماع

> السنوي العام لأعضاء AFRINIC (AGMM) الذي كان من المفترض عقده خلال قمة

> الإنترنت السنوية 2020 في كينشاسا في 11 يونيو 2020.


> لقد قمنا بتقييم المخاطر التي تنطوي عليها حركة الموظفين والحضور مع الأخذ في

> الاعتبار الإغلاق الجاري تنفيذه في العديد من البلدان ، بما في ذلك تلك

> الموجودة في القارة.


> كانت النتيجة الأولى لما سبق تأجيل جميع أنشطة قمة الإنترنت الأفريقية 2020

> (AIS’20).


> مع ملاحظة ما سبق ، عقد مجلس إدارة AFRINIC اجتماعًا خاصًا لمجلس الإدارة يوم

> الجمعة 20 مارس 2020 ودرس


> (ط) جدوى عقد يونيو 2020 عبر "الاتصال الصوتي أو الصوتي والمرئي" في التاريخ

> الأصلي كما هو مقرر ؛

> (2) الحاجة إلى تأجيل الاجتماع السنوي العام للأعضاء (AGMM) الذي يُعقد عادةً

> خلال AIS’20.


> وقد نصح الفريق القانوني AFRINIC ذلك من حيث


> (أ) يجب الالتزام بأحكام الفقرة 3 (أ) (2) من الجدول 5 من قانون الشركات ، في

> حالة اللجوء إلى AGMM على الإنترنت.

> (ب) لدى القسم 115 من قانون الشركات AFRINIC خيار عقد AGMM إما قبل 30 يونيو

> 2020 - سنته المالية المنتهية في 31 ديسمبر 2019 - أو في غضون مهلة 15 شهرًا

> بعد AGMM السابق ، في موعد لا يتجاوز 19 سبتمبر 2020 .


> وبالتالي ، تقرر تأجيل AGMM إلى سبتمبر 2020 في تاريخ لم يتحدد بعد في حالة

> عدم وجود خيار تقني متوافق تمامًا وقانونيًا لعقد AGMM لشهر يونيو 2020 عبر

> الإنترنت.


> سيبلغ المجلس في الوقت المناسب بتاريخ وطريقة عقد AGMM.


> نشكرك مقدمًا على تفهمك وتعاونك.


> بإخلاص،



> دكتور كريستيان بوب

> رئيس مجلس إدارة AFRINIC

> ………………………………………………………………………….


> [Português]



> Queridos membros,


> Após o surto mundial e o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 (Coronavírus) na

> saúde e segurança pública, consideramos seriamente a manutenção da Reunião

> Geral Anual de Membros da AFRINIC (AGMM), que deveria ocorrer durante a

> Cúpula Anual da Internet 2020 em Kinshasa em 11 de junho de 2020.


> Avaliamos o risco envolvido em relação ao movimento de funcionários e

> participantes, tendo em vista o bloqueio implementado em vários países,

> inclusive no continente.


> Uma primeira consequência do exposto acima foi o adiamento de todas as

> atividades da África Internet Summit 2020 (AIS'20).


> Observando o exposto acima, o Conselho de Administração da AFRINIC

> realizou uma reunião extraordinária do Conselho na sexta-feira 20 de março

> de 2020 e examinou


> (i) a viabilidade de realizar o mês de junho de 2020 via "comunicação de

> áudio ou áudio e visual" na data original, conforme programado;

> (ii) a necessidade de adiar a Assembléia Geral Anual (AGMM), que

> geralmente é realizada durante o AIS '20.


> A equipe jurídica da AFRINIC aconselhou que, em termos de


> (a) as disposições do Parágrafo 3 (a) (ii) do Anexo 5 da Lei das

> Sociedades Comerciais deviam ser integralmente cumpridas no caso de

> recorrer a uma AGMM on-line.

> (b) A Seção 115 da Lei das Sociedades AFRINIC tem a opção de realizar a

> AGMM antes de 30 de junho de 2020 - seu exercício financeiro encerrado em

> 31 de dezembro de 2019 - ou com um atraso de 15 meses após a AGMM anterior,

> o mais tardar em 19 de setembro de 2020 .


> Assim, foi decidido que a AGMM seria adiada para setembro de 2020 em uma

> data a ser decidida no caso de não existir uma opção técnica compatível com

> a lei e toda a legalidade para manter on-line a AGMM em junho de 2020.


> O Conselho comunicará oportunamente a data e o modo de realização da AGMM.


> Agradecemos desde já a sua compreensão e cooperação.


> Atenciosamente,



> Dr. Christian D. Bope

> Presidente do Conselho de Administração da AFRINIC

> __

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