[Community-Discuss] [rpd] Afrinic Scandals, future and the PDP

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at tristatelogic.com
Wed Jan 22 23:12:06 UTC 2020

In message <CAJ=M1xQa=NWECNU8YaZA6JzALgNV7K7w5prJkKGhtrBH7E91+g at mail.gmail.com>,
Alan Levin <alan at futureperfect.co.za> wrote:

>Just as a reminder, the investigations regarding the current scandal is not

>the main issue. Similarly we know that the CEO is governed very (maybe too)

>closely by the Board.

I personally have, as we say here "no dog in this fight", and thus, I
probably should not comment at all, but I'm not sure that I should
just allow the above comment to pass by without saying that during my
own investigation it was suggested to me, on at least one occasion,
that the exact opposite may have been the case during relevant time

I have no clear or entirely unambiguous evidence of that, or of Mr. Levin's
alternative suggestion, as quoted above, and thus, personally, I reserve
judgement on the matter and remain as yet unconvinced of the truth of
either proposition.


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