[Community-Discuss] AFRINC being sued

JORDI PALET MARTINEZ jordi.palet at consulintel.es
Thu Aug 20 06:44:11 UTC 2020

I've some points here:

1) Were those transfers done following the Intra-RIR policy? Or it happened before that policy existed?
2) Were those transfers inter-RIR?
3) In any case, were those transfers authorized by the staff (according to the CPM)?

If any of those questions indicate that the CPM has not been followed, all those resources should be claimed back and the involved resource-holders should lose their rights and the membership account closed, right?


El 19/8/20 23:04, "Ronald F. Guilmette" <rfg at tristatelogic.com> escribió:

For those few of you who may not already be aware of this...


As many of you might imagine, I will have more to say about this in due


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