[Community-Discuss] AIS'20 and AGMM

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Wed Aug 5 18:00:13 UTC 2020

This is excellent, IMHO.

However, I must ask, why does the procedure not link to the online registration required under 5.1.b?

Is this a registration separate from the. AIS registration, or, does electronic registration for AIS satisfy the requirement?
If it is separate, then where and how do we complete that registration?

Also, the timing specified in 5.3 is unclear.
5.3.a.b. states “Starts at least 14 days before the AGMM date and ends on the Election Date”
It does not specify what time and/or time zone will be applied to the ending.
5.3.b.b. states “Starts at least 3 days before and ends on the Election Date”
Similarly, it also fails to mention a time and/or timezone.

Further, the timeline does not specify a time when details of the online voting system will be released
to members.

I would suggest that adding this information would be useful.


> On Aug 5, 2020, at 10:22 , AFRINIC Communication <comms at afrinic.net> wrote:


> [French, Arabic and Portuguese versions below]


> Dear AFRINIC Community members,


> AFRINIC has relied on its core values - community-driven, operational excellence, passion and innovation - to adapt to and manage the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.Unfortunately, uncertainty still prevails with regard to the opening of international borders and the containment of the pandemic, which represent a major obstacle for AFRINIC to hold its AGMM and related elections face-to-face as originally planned and to revert to virtual ones during the AIS’20 on 14 - 18 September 2020.

> After a careful assessment of the situation and all the comments received from community members with regard to the holding of non-members elections, and the capacities of the company, the Board has decided to proceed with holding the 2020 elections online.


> We are pleased to inform you that the Board has approved an amended Election Process for the year 2020 (see https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020 <https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020>)] This is in readiness for the elections which will be conducted online for the first time in AFRINIC’s history. The revised Election Process 2020 was approved as per Article 13.2 of the Bylaws and will supersede all previous election processes and guidelines, exceptionally for the year 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.


> The document contains important details on how the elections will be conducted, voter requirements and the time plan. Further details regarding the modalities of holding the elections will be shared by the CEO shortly.


> We thank you for your patience and understanding and look forward to your support and cooperation.


> Signed


> Dr. Christian D. Bope

> Chairman, AFRINIC Board of Directors


> ………………………………….


> AIS’20 et AGMM


> Chers membres de la Communauté AFRINIC,


> AFRINIC s'est appuyée sur ses valeurs fondamentales - la communauté, l'excellence opérationnelle, la passion et l'innovation - pour s'adapter et gérer les défis de la pandémie COVID-19. Malheureusement, l'incertitude règne toujours en ce qui concerne l'ouverture des frontières internationales et le combat contre la pandémie, qui représentent un obstacle majeur pour AFRINIC de tenir son AGMM et les élections connexes en face-à-face comme prévu initialement et de passer à des élections virtuelles pendant l'AIS'20 qui se tiendra du 14 au 18 septembre 2020.


> Après une évaluation minutieuse de la situation et de tous les commentaires reçus des membres de la communauté en ce qui concerne la tenue des élections des non-membres, et les capacités de notre société, le Conseil d'administration a décidé de procéder à la tenue des élections de 2020 en ligne.


> Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le Conseil d'administration a approuvé un processus d'élection modifié pour l'année 2020 (voir https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020 <https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020>)] Ceci est en vue des élections qui se dérouleront pour la première fois en ligne dans l'histoire de l'AFRINIC. Le processus électoral révisé 2020 a été approuvé conformément à l'article 13.2 des statuts et remplacera tous les processus et directives électoraux précédents, exceptionnellement pour l'année 2020 en raison de la pandémie COVID-19.


> Le document contient des détails importants sur le déroulement des élections, les exigences des électeurs et le calendrier. D'autres détails concernant les modalités de tenue des élections seront communiqués prochainement par le directeur général.


> Nous vous remercions de votre patience et de votre compréhension et nous nous réjouissons de votre soutien et de votre coopération.



> Signé



> Dr Christian D. Bope

> Président du conseil d'administration de l’AFRINIC


> ………………


> AIS'20 و AGMM


> أعزائي أعضاء مجتمع AFRINIC ،


> اعتمد AFRINIC على قيمه الأساسية - التميز التشغيلي المجتمعي والعاطفة والابتكار - للتكيف مع تحديات وباء COVID-19 وإدارتها. الوباء ، الذي يمثل عقبة رئيسية أمام AFRINIC لعقد AGMM والانتخابات ذات الصلة وجها لوجه كما هو مخطط أصلا والعودة إلى الانتخابات الافتراضية خلال AIS'20 في 14 - 18 سبتمبر 2020.


> بعد إجراء تقييم دقيق للوضع وجميع التعليقات الواردة من أعضاء المجتمع فيما يتعلق بإجراء انتخابات لغير الأعضاء ، وقدرات الشركة ، قرر المجلس المضي في إجراء انتخابات 2020 عبر الإنترنت.


> يسعدنا أن نحيطكم علما بأن المجلس قد وافق على عملية انتخابية معدلة لعام 2020 (انظر https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020 <https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020>)] هذا جاهز للانتخابات التي ستجرى على الإنترنت لأول مرة في تاريخ AFRINIC. تمت الموافقة على عملية الانتخابات المنقحة 2020 وفقًا للمادة 13.2 من اللوائح الداخلية وستحل محل جميع العمليات والمبادئ التوجيهية السابقة للانتخابات ، بشكل استثنائي لعام 2020 بسبب جائحة COVID-19.


> تحتوي الوثيقة على تفاصيل مهمة حول كيفية إجراء الانتخابات ومتطلبات الناخبين والخطة الزمنية. وسيطلع المدير التنفيذي قريباً على مزيد من التفاصيل بشأن طرائق إجراء الانتخابات.


> نشكرك على سعة صدرك وتفهمك ونتطلع إلى دعمك وتعاونك.



> وقعت




> دكتور كريستيان بوب

> رئيس مجلس إدارة AFRINIC



> ………………………………



> AIS'20 e AGMM


> Caros membros da Comunidade AFRINIC,


> A AFRINIC tem confiado nos seus valores fundamentais - comunidade, excelência operacional, paixão e inovação - para se adaptar e gerir os desafios da pandemia da COVID-19. Infelizmente, a incerteza ainda prevalece no que diz respeito à abertura das fronteiras internacionais e à contenção da pandemia, que representam um grande obstáculo para a AFRINIC realizar a sua AGMM e as eleições relacionadas com a mesma, face a face, tal como originalmente planeado, e para voltar às virtuais durante a AIS'20, de 14 a 18 de Setembro de 2020.


> Após uma avaliação cuidadosa da situação e de todos os comentários recebidos de membros da comunidade relativamente à realização de eleições para não-membros, e das capacidades da empresa, o Conselho de Administração decidiu proceder à realização das eleições de 2020 em linha.


> Temos o prazer de informar que o Conselho de Administração aprovou um processo eleitoral alterado para o ano 2020 (ver https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020 <https://afrinic.net/election-process/board/2020>)]. Isto está pronto para as eleições que serão realizadas em linha pela primeira vez na história da AFRINIC. O Processo Eleitoral revisto de 2020 foi aprovado nos termos do Artigo 13.2 dos Estatutos e substituirá todos os processos eleitorais e directrizes anteriores, excepcionalmente para o ano 2020 devido à pandemia da COVID-19.


> O documento contém pormenores importantes sobre a forma como as eleições serão conduzidas, as exigências dos eleitores e o plano temporal. Mais detalhes sobre as modalidades de realização das eleições serão em breve partilhados pelo CEO.


> Agradecemos a vossa paciência e compreensão e aguardamos com expectativa o vosso apoio e cooperação.



> Assinado




> Dr. Christian D. Bope

> Presidente, Conselho de Administração da AFRINIC

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