[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Borad Elections

Sami Salih sami.salih at outlook.com
Thu Jul 4 04:13:35 UTC 2019


I hope you reply Ahmed, since we have very bad experience with unknown fellows who come once to raise suspicious issue then disappear !
Looking for your positive continuous engagement.


Dr. Sami H.O. Salih
Assistant Prof, School of Electronics Engineering, SUST
Head of R&D, NTC, SUDAN
President of SDv6TF
T/F: (249)122045707/187171355
From: Noah <noah at neo.co.tz>
Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2019 1:41 AM
To: Ahmed Fadl
Cc: Community-Discuss at afrinic.net; wafa Dahmani
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Borad Elections

Dear Ahmed

First and foremost, welcome on-board this community mailing list since I am seeing you post for the first time ever and I hope you will continue to engage in various discussions as a member of the community now.

So, I have been catching up with email and I would like to also contribute to the discussion by stating a few things in reference to people being biased in general.

Let me introduce myself first. I personally work for AS37100 a member of AfriNIC, I was popularly elected by the community as a volunteer to the AfriNIC ASO - AC and my term ends next year in 2020, I am a secretary general of an ISP association in my country of residence, and I am generally involved within the AFRICAN internet community as a volunteer with various non-profit organizations because voluntary work is fulfilling. However, whatever I say here often is from a personal point of view unless I state otherwise.

I am telling you all this because, with all my years of engagement in this community, I have always spoken in my own personal capacity that is why I use my own personal email address. Nothing I say is ever a representation of any of the organization I am affiliated with, though so often, my affiliations have been used by some members of this community to attack my personal character, sometime as far as going after my employment just because of my personal views on various matters pertaining the African Internet Community. What I am trying to say is that, Wafa as a community member, just like me, so often speaks on her own personal capacity and I believe she has since clarified this to you and the community.

Therefore, I doubt its "bias"as you put it ...... and my view of that email from her to you is basically an elections campaign for a candidate and candidates of her choice and in the end, her efforts seems to have paid off as some of the candidate she was supporting for the Northern Africa seat Dr.Habib ended up getting the highest votes ever of all candidates in the entire board elections. I was on the ground in Kampala and Habib did well also in terms of campaigning, so did other candidates and I can understand why he was Wafa's choice and and her strategy for the Northern Africa candidate for board election did indeed work. That is what good mobilization in campaigns does.

In fact just in the same elections, there was a very well coordinated campaign that involved among other things, mudslinging of a specific candidate by some members of the various constituencies within the community and this also perfectly OK. Folks can go as far as using print media and sometime private lobbying through mailing lists and chat rooms. Its the nature of politicking and campaigns are tough and sometimes they get ugly, after all, not all candidates are supposed to be liked by the entire electorate yet politicking still goes on. This is basically pure politics 101 and its perfectly acceptable and normal and as they say, politics is part of daily life and so many of us in this community have been party to this and its nothing new.

I submit to you that, being a member of, say, the AfriNIC appeals committee, or ASO-AC or GC ...you name it, does not stop someone from having their own subjective views nor does it stop them from being involved in community politics at a personal level. Remember above and beyond, we are all part of the Internet community before our various affiliations and after being party to these affiliations, we continue to be members of the internet community and remain in this community.

What really matters is respect for each other and how we treat each other even when we disagree because in the end, its through this politics that we progress as we continue to individually contribute, improve and resolve some of our challenges.

Cheers and I look forward to more engagement with you Mr.Ahmed.


On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 2:17 PM Ahmed Fadl <ahmed.fadl at 57357.org<mailto:ahmed.fadl at 57357.org>> wrote:

Hi Wafa,

Thanks for your email.

I, among other members of AFRINIC in Egypt, received the following email from you many times.

I wondered at that time why should I vote for these candidates specially for those in Eastern and Southern regions while each one was the sole candidate in his region. I quote this from your email "Ladies and Gentlemen, in the context of our strategy ...." what is your strategy and who are you ?

If you are talking about biasing the community, So, do you consider your email as a "member of the appeal committee; ASO / AC excom member and Ex Chair of Governance Committee '(GC) at AFRINIC." fall under what ?

I sent this mail many time but I don’t know why I can’t find this mail on community


Ahmed Fadl

From: wafa Dahmani [mailto:wafatn7604 at gmail.com<mailto:wafatn7604 at gmail.com>]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 1:05 PM
To: wafa Dahmani <wafatn7604 at gmail.com<mailto:wafatn7604 at gmail.com>>
Subject: AFRINIC Borad Elections


My name is Wafa Dahmani from Tunisia, an active member of the African community and more specifically AFRINIC: member of the appeal committee; ASO / AC excom member and Ex Chair of Governance Committee '(GC) at AFRINIC.
I contact you to solicit your votes for the following candidates:

Board of Directors:
North Africa (seat 1)

* Habin Youssef

West Africa (seat 2)

* Ly Ousmane

South Africa (seat 5)

* Mpisane Vika William

East Africa (seat 6)

* Nkusi Robert Ford

Non-regional (seat 7)

* Eshun Benjamin Adzenyamebeye

Election Number Resource Organization Number Council

* Mustapha Ben Jemaa

Election Policy Development Working Group

* Komi Elitcha
* Sami Hassan

Election Governance Committee

* Daniel Nanghaka

Ladies and Gentlemen, in the context of our strategy and in order to preserve AFRINIC's interests for Africa and to be able to choose the right candidates for North Africa in the long term, it is desirable to join all our efforts and vote for these candidates who presents the best choice for an adequate board

the de facto vote online through your interface with AFRINIC is very simple for all categories except the policy development Working group where we want you to mobilize your teams on the spot to vote for our candidates
We strongly solicit your support

Thank you

Wafa Dahmani

member AFRINIC Appeal Committee
Global IGF MAG member
ASO / AC excom member

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