[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Borad Elections

Ahmed Fadl ahmed.fadl at 57357.org
Wed Jul 3 11:14:30 UTC 2019

Hi Wafa,

Thanks for your email.

I, among other members of AFRINIC in Egypt, received the following email from you many times.

I wondered at that time why should I vote for these candidates specially for those in Eastern and Southern regions while each one was the sole candidate in his region. I quote this from your email "Ladies and Gentlemen, in the context of our strategy ...." what is your strategy and who are you ?

If you are talking about biasing the community, So, do you consider your email as a "member of the appeal committee; ASO / AC excom member and Ex Chair of Governance Committee '(GC) at AFRINIC." fall under what ?

I sent this mail many time but I don’t know why I can’t find this mail on community


Ahmed Fadl

From: wafa Dahmani [mailto:wafatn7604 at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2019 1:05 PM
To: wafa Dahmani <wafatn7604 at gmail.com>
Subject: AFRINIC Borad Elections


My name is Wafa Dahmani from Tunisia, an active member of the African community and more specifically AFRINIC: member of the appeal committee; ASO / AC excom member and Ex Chair of Governance Committee '(GC) at AFRINIC.
I contact you to solicit your votes for the following candidates:

Board of Directors:
North Africa (seat 1)

* Habin Youssef
West Africa (seat 2)

* Ly Ousmane

South Africa (seat 5)

* Mpisane Vika William

East Africa (seat 6)

* Nkusi Robert Ford

Non-regional (seat 7)

* Eshun Benjamin Adzenyamebeye

Election Number Resource Organization Number Council

* Mustapha Ben Jemaa

Election Policy Development Working Group

* Komi Elitcha
* Sami Hassan

Election Governance Committee

* Daniel Nanghaka
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the context of our strategy and in order to preserve AFRINIC's interests for Africa and to be able to choose the right candidates for North Africa in the long term, it is desirable to join all our efforts and vote for these candidates who presents the best choice for an adequate board
the de facto vote online through your interface with AFRINIC is very simple for all categories except the policy development Working group where we want you to mobilize your teams on the spot to vote for our candidates
We strongly solicit your support

Thank you

Wafa Dahmani

member AFRINIC Appeal Committee
Global IGF MAG member
ASO / AC excom member
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