[Community-Discuss] Larus foundation fellowship

Augustine CHII Ngek chii.ngek at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 17:33:06 UTC 2019

Hi everyone, hello Wafa
I am happy you have brought these resources to people like myself new to
AFRINIC business. Thanks so much for the educational materials. A lot of
talking goes on here but I am sure some people can talk now with

To me for whatever reason the fellowship was for, the provision of these
materials surpasses it all. Teach the community or do something to the
community and you can get the community's support in any matter that come

We shall judge you who came into the board by what you shall do to make
AFRINIC stronger against what is suspected. We are interested at
discussions that will push AFRINIC forward. People have been voted into
board so discussions concerning what the community wants AFRINIC to be at
the end of their mandate should start now. Please let the discussion about
people end, yes education for the next African leaders!
NGEK Augustine CHII
Yaounde Cameroon

On Tue, 2 Jul 2019, 10:35 wafa DAHMANI, <wafa at ati.tn> wrote:

> Hi




> It fell under public domain, that those who benefited from Larus

> foundation fellowship to attend the last afrinic meeting in Kampala, were

> given a confidential Education package on AFRINIC Number Resources

> Policy proposals detailed in the following link:



> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kf7K8JdL-zl5NYjlboltmoXeq2mAJvNg



> The document lists the proposals to be discussed, Larus Foundation views

> of Pros and Cons on each of them, selective PDWG participants interventions

> on the proposals.




> The education package so proposed intends to condition these participants

> views on the proposals and their contributions at the PPM and after....




> I like to remind us that the PDP is open for any individual willing to

> participate. Views expressed are personal. No need to know who is behind

> each source email address... only opinions expressed in the context of the

> PDP matter. The substance of contribution really matter. Diversity of views

> are encouraged. Lack of disagreement is more important than of agreement.

> Also PDP is not a matter of volume, repetition or persistence.




> RFC 7282 section 6 and 7 are clear on these aspects of the rough

> consensus process.




> Section 6


> One hundred people for and five people against might not be rough

> consensus.




> Section 7


> Five people for and one hundred people against might still be rough

> consensus




> My African fellows,




> Your desire to participate to AFRINIC policy development Process is

> legitimate and must be encouraged. I hope the last meeting was useful to

> you and allow you to identify the issues, understand what is going on and

> what Africa needs... I hope you’ve made your minds and now able to

> speak on your personal capacity..




> The real education package is as below:


> =====




> Proposal to establish AFRINIC



> http://web01.jnb.afrinic.net/en/library/policies/archive/ppm-minutes/862-kuala-lumpur-1997




> IANA report on AFRINIC (Accreditation)


> https://www.iana.org/reports/2005/afrinic-report-05aug2005.pdf




> AFRINIC constitution


> https://www.afrinic.net/bylaws




> Registration Service Agreement


> https://www.afrinic.net/membership/agreements#rsa




> AFRINIC policy manual


> https://afrinic.net/policy/manual




> AFRINIC policies before the adoption of the CPM


> https://www.afrinic.net/cpm-pre






> https://www.afrinic.net/policy




> Rough Consensus


> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7282




> AFRINIC current policy proposals


> https://www.afrinic.net/policy/proposals




> RiRs PDPs


> https://www.nro.net/policy/regional/




> RIR comparative policy overview


> https://www.nro.net/policy/regional/rir-comparative-policy-overview/


> ==============




> Please read and process them, ask questions and find your way.




> Come build African Internet by Africans.




> As for Larus Foundation, your relationship to cloud innovation, afrinic

> member with suspicious activities, holding 6 millions of IPv4 is long

> established and discussed many times on this list. I hope the fellows would

> find these discussions in the archives.




> I call the attention of the board on the repetitive attempts of this

> resource member to hijack the PDP for its sordid intentions... the

> provisions of the bylaws and RSA must carefully be applied to recall

> members to acceptable code of conduct.




> The African Internet community as well as the global Internet community

> must pay close attention and protect the RIRs Policy development process

> and operations.






> -Wafa

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