[Community-Discuss] Community-Discuss Digest, Vol 520, Issue 1
brahkred at gmail.com
Sat Aug 24 00:21:23 UTC 2019
Very interesting event with great contents, is it possible to remotely assist?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 23, 2019, at 12:00 PM, community-discuss-request at afrinic.net wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Fwd: [safnog] SAFNOG-5 Is Ready For You (Mark Tinka)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 07:43:39 +0200
> From: Mark Tinka <mark.tinka at seacom.mu>
> To: "community-discuss at afrinic.net >> General Discussions of AFRINIC"
> <community-discuss at afrinic.net>
> Subject: [Community-Discuss] Fwd: [safnog] SAFNOG-5 Is Ready For You
> Message-ID: <34811fd6-8538-dd04-7129-ac5ff8ef942d at seacom.mu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> FYI - SAFNOG-5 in Johannesburg, next week.
> Mark.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: [safnog] SAFNOG-5 Is Ready For You
> Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2019 13:30:12 +0000
> From: Portia Rabonda <portia.rabonda at safnog.net>
> To: safnog at safnog.org <safnog at safnog.org>
> Hello All,
> With just 4 days to go to SAFNOG-5 in Johannesburg, South Africa, we are
> excited to have you join us for what is going to be a very informative,
> educational and fun agenda.
> Highlights from the program include:
> * 3 keynotes:
> o Sunil Tagare (OpenCables), talking about the impact of the
> submarine cables - on Africa - that Facebook and Google have
> announced, and what it could mean for the continent.
> o Byron Clatterbuck (SEACOM), also speaking about submarine cable
> realities in Africa, how to make them sustainable and help
> effect change in the region.
> o Jerome Fleury (Cloudflare), who will be going into detail about
> the outage his organization faced on June 24th of this year, due
> to a massive BGP leak.
> * The first carrier-neutral data centre that will go live in Kampala,
> Uganda, at the end of 2019.
> * A panel on the relevance (or lack of thereof) of generalized speed
> tests in 2019 as minimum bandwidth increases for consumers,
> enterprises and service providers.
> * South Africa's first FTTH service provider that is delivering native
> IPv6 to home users.
> * Numerous tutorials/workshops that will provide training on:
> o IPv6 deployment.
> o IRR, RPKI and ROV for a secure, global BGP.
> o Critical infrastructure vis a vis what the Internet should be,
> and what it actually is.
> There will also be a number of social events taking place, which will
> connect all participants to further network with one another and create
> opportunities on helping further grow the Internet within the region,
> and the rest of the world.
> To register for the event, and for more details on the agenda, please
> visit:??http://www.safnog.org/
> We look forward to seeing you in Johannesburg.?
> Regards,
> SAFNOG-5 Programme Committee
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> End of Community-Discuss Digest, Vol 520, Issue 1
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