[Community-Discuss] Remote access to the PDP day at AfriNIC

Willy MANGA mangawilly at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 09:47:16 UTC 2018

Hi Mark,

Le 29/11/2018 à 10:20, Mark Elkins a écrit :
> I'm assuming that "Community Discuss" is the most appropriate place for
> this discussion.
>> It would be useful if the web team clearly mention on the website xmpp
>> parameters . Some people like me prefer native xmpp client.
>> Server : conference.mtg.afrinic.net
>> room : plenary
> Hmm - thanks for the complete info. I gleaned what I wrote from
> connecting to the "in page" chat.
> Why is this info not being properly communicated to the community?

They should fix it . By the way it's the same parameters since at least
2,3 meetings. That's why I was able to connect remotely using my xmpp

How to participate remotely shall be presented during «newcomer session»
-- very important :)

Willy Manga

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