[Community-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting

Andrew Alston Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com
Wed Jun 20 14:41:54 UTC 2018

I’m… a little speechless…

So – this is what it comes to – someone questions the RIR – questions which for years have gone unanswered – and now – because the question – because the demand the rules are followed – because the hold to account against the bylaws this community agreed to – because they wish to know how their money is spent – you propose their membership is terminated…

Let me say this – if holding up a mirror – is causing such angst – then – change what is being reflected in the mirror.  You see – individuals want to blame me for stirring the pot – get – time and again – none of what I have written or questioned has actually ever been disputed with fact.  I see hyperbole, I see vague allusions, I see suppositions, but – when it comes to actually pulling out the rules and reading them and contradicting things by those rules – by the law – there is silence.

If you disagree with what I have to say – if you disagree with my analysis – then – dispute it – with facts – bring it on – lets engage – but the thing is – no one wants to do that – no one wants to actually take their head out the sand and engage on facts based on what is written in our bylaws and written in the companies act – what they want is blind faith and acceptance that serves their own needs.

But Komi – all I would say is – you need to think this through very carefully – as to the potential consequences of such an action – before you propose it.  Think about it – really think about it.


From: Komi Elitcha [mailto:kmw.elitcha at gmail.com]
Sent: 20 June 2018 16:34
To: Janvier NGNOULAYE <jnoulaye at gmail.com>; General Discussions of AFRINIC <community-discuss at afrinic.net>; board at afrinic.net
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting


Based on what has been going on for a while over the years, with liquid telecom an afrinic ressources member engaging in many actions which affect afrinic reputation and also expose the organization to legal risks, I want to encourage The board to propose a code of conduct for afrinic members.

Failure to comply to this code of conduct by liquid telecom or any other  members, board shall invoke section 8.2(iii) of the bylaws and terminate their membership

8.2 The membership of a Resource Member shall terminate upon:
(iii) the Board, acting reasonably and in good faith, determining that the Resource Member has refused or failed to comply with the provisions of this Constitution or any applicable rule made by the Board;

Le mar. 19 juin 2018 22:52, Janvier NGNOULAYE <jnoulaye at gmail.com<mailto:jnoulaye at gmail.com>> a écrit :
Dear Andrew,
I wonder about your motives that seem inappropriate to me this last couple of months, in such that, with all respect due to you, I wanted to tell you to stop paying your $50k annual fee, and go rent your resources to another RIR.  Afrinic will not died.
Please tell here if your statements here and questions engage yourself or your company? Because it is inacceptable that a single member micromanages Afrinic, this is a lack of respect to the Afrinic body.
I'm really shocked and got boring with your mails. The CEO should have never replied to it. I am not the one who have to ask you to wait for the  financial annual report or the auditor's report at the AGMM to ask these multiple questions.
I think you're crossed over the line at this point, do you forget the principle that the CEO reports to the Board, and that the Board reports to members at an AGMM? Where do you come from with the questions on the figures in the mid-year budget and particulary on sponsoring of the Cotonou event?
I also see that you're giving yourself too much liberty, to the point of asking ICANN if it is sponsoring the Cotonou event, this is again a lack of respect to the ICANN body.
For the sake of the African Internet community, for the sake of the Afrinic members, and this is my recommandation to the Board:  I am requesting  the Board to put you under discipline because of these attitudes that tarnish the image of Afrinic and its members.

Warm regards,
Afrinic Member
Former Afrinic Board member
Yaounde - Cameroon

Le mar. 19 juin 2018 à 22:09, Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com<mailto:Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com>> a écrit :
Just wanted to add – did you think I would be embarrassed by you leaking that? Or attempt to deny it?

Dude – come on – get real – MANY people on that list that are on that group – if I was ashamed of that post – well – I wouldn’t have posted it where half this list could already see it – as plain as day.

I do find it very interesting that you choose to take stuff off a group that has strict rules about external posts – and post it here for your own purposes.

☺ And I can guess who gave it to you – because its not hard to correlate members of this list to members of that group – but *shrug* who cares – its as good as a public post – I don’t say things that I won’t stand by – I stand by that one


From: William Ametozion <wametozion at gmail.com<mailto:wametozion at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 23:19
To: Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com<mailto:Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com>>
Cc: Alan Barrett <alan.barrett at afrinic.net<mailto:alan.barrett at afrinic.net>>, "community-discuss at afrinic.net<mailto:community-discuss at afrinic.net>" <community-discuss at afrinic.net<mailto:community-discuss at afrinic.net>>, AFRINIC Board of Directors' List <board at afrinic.net<mailto:board at afrinic.net>>
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting

Dear Community,

I came across a screenshot of a post (attached) by a member of AFRINIC Community on ICANN Facebook page and would like to share with you.

Yes we may not have attained all our goals but the truth must be told that we have made progress .

No matter how bitter one is, history of Internet in Africa cannot be changed based on someone’s whims and caprices. Indeed pioneers deserve commendation and not unbridled hatred as shown. Africa deserves encouragement rather than this reckless attempt to destroy AFRINIC.

I cannot wait to be in Cotonou. Let us all including friends of Africa join in the Celebration of IG 1998 - 2018 on July 6, 2018.

Thank you.

On 19 June 2018 at 13:21, Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com<mailto:Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com>> wrote:

Does this include the cocktail sponsorship – if it does – can we calculate as follows based on previous trips to work out the approximate cost of attendance:

Average cost per person in flights (based on previous financials) - $2049.50
Sponsorship $3000
Accommodation while there since it’s a 2 day event - $500 odd dollars per person (conservatively)
5 total people

Cost to the membership for this – roughly $16k?

I just wanna be sure I have the numbers straight here


From: Alan Barrett [mailto:alan.barrett at afrinic.net<mailto:alan.barrett at afrinic.net>]
Sent: 19 June 2018 16:15
To: community-discuss at afrinic.net<mailto:community-discuss at afrinic.net>
Cc: AFRINIC Board of Directors' List <board at afrinic.net<mailto:board at afrinic.net>>
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Cotonou Meeting

> On 15 Jun 2018, at 16:50, Andrew Alston <Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com<mailto:Andrew.Alston at liquidtelecom.com>> wrote:
> So AfriNIC Board / Management – can you please disclose EXACTLY what was sponsored for this event – how much – who is going – and what are the members paying towards an event that is not even listed on your events calendar? I’d like to know how much of our money is being squandered.

AFRINIC is not organising the event in Cotonou on 6 July 2018, but was invited to participate. AFRINIC is contributing $3000 in sponsorship, and will cover the costs for attendance by the CEO, one or two other staff, and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board.


Alan Barrett

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