[Community-Discuss] Issue with non-AFRINIC Fellowship to Meeting -

Ish Sookun ish.sookun at lasentinelle.mu
Tue Dec 11 16:54:40 UTC 2018

Hi Borg,

On 12/11/18 7:01 PM, Chevalier du Borg wrote:
> I mean, **if** AFRINIC obliges it fellow to support a position that may
> be benefit the company (afrinic) against the community. it is corruption. 

Thank you for clarifying with the **if** ;-)

Yes, from that point of view, it would not be ethical. Luckily, that
isn't the case. I met former AFRINIC fellows at the last meeting and
they are independent in their opinions, no strings attached.


Ish Sookun

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