[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC Board Ratifies Policy Proposals

Montrésor Konan mkonan at gouvinternet.africa
Thu Aug 23 07:33:08 UTC 2018

Merci à toute la communauté.

Excellente journée à tous !

Le mar. 21 août 2018 à 12:58, AFRINIC Communication <
comm-announce at afrinic.net> a écrit :

> Dear colleagues,
> The community is hereby informed that at its meeting of 8th August 2018,
> the AFRINIC Board ratified the following policy proposals:
> a. IPv6 Policy and references Update (AFPUB-2018-V6-001-DRAFT01)
> Proposal URL:
> https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2313-ipv6-policy-and-references-update
> Co-Chair
> <https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2313-ipv6-policy-and-references-updateCo-Chair>
> Recommendation: https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2018/008500.html
> b. IPv6 Initial Allocation Update (AFPUB-2018-V6-003-DRAFT02)
> Proposal URL:
> https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2415-ipv6-initial-allocation-update
> Co-Chair
> <https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2415-ipv6-initial-allocation-updateCo-Chair>
> Recommendation: https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2018/008498.html
> c. IPv6 PI Update (AFPUB-2018-V6-004-DRAFT01
> Proposal URL:
> https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2331-ipv6-pi-update
> Co-Chair
> <https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2331-ipv6-pi-updateCo-Chair>
> recommendation: https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2018/008499.html
> AFRINIC Staff will proceed with implementation of the above proposals and
> inform the community when implemented. Comments and feedback on policy
> development matters can be mailed to pdwg at afrinic.net
> Christian D. Bope, PhD
> Chairman, AFRINIC Board
> ………………………………….
> Chers collègues,
> La communauté est informée que lors de sa réunion du 8 août 2018, le
> conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC a ratifié les propositions de politique
> suivantes:
> a. IPv6 Policy and references Update (AFPUB-2018-V6-001-DRAFT01)
> URL:
> https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2313-ipv6-policy-and-references-update
> Recommendation du Co-Chair:
> https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2018/008500.html
> b. IPv6 Initial Allocation Update (AFPUB-2018-V6-003-DRAFT02)
> URL:
> https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2415-ipv6-initial-allocation-update
> Recommendation du Co-chair:
> https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2018/008498.html
> c. IPv6 PI Update (AFPUB-2018-V6-004-DRAFT01
> URL:
> https://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2331-ipv6-pi-update
> Recommendation du Co-chair:
> https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/rpd/2018/008499.html
> Le personnel d'AFRINIC procédera à la mise en œuvre des propositions
> ci-dessus et informera la communauté lors de la mise en œuvre. Les
> commentaires sur les questions d'élaboration de politiques peuvent être
> envoyés à pdwg at afrinic.net
> Christian D. Bope, PhD
> Président du conseil d'administration d'AFRINIC
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> Community-Discuss at afrinic.net
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