[Community-Discuss] AFRINIC and the GDPR

S Moonesamy sm+afrinic at elandsys.com
Wed Apr 11 16:47:58 UTC 2018

Hi Owen,
At 09:05 AM 11-04-2018, Owen DeLong wrote:
>Since AfriNIC isn't actually present in either location, it's up to 
>the government of Mauritius whether it would do any of the following:
>1.Allow suit based on GDPR violation to be brought in an MU court.
>2.Extradite AfriNIC for suit in a court of competent jurisdiction in 
>one of those countries.

I doubt that (1) is how the data protection law works in Mauritius.

>However, given the new information from Kirs that MU signed a safe 
>harbor treaty with EU subjecting MU to EU ICO->GDPR, then yes, 
>everyone and all organizations in MU are subject to GDPR by virtue 
>of the treaty requiring MU to do one of the two things above in such a case.

I gather that you are referring to the safe harbor framework [1] 
between the United States and the European Union.  I doubt that legal 
entities in Mauritius are subject to the GDPR per se [2] as they are 
not in the European Union.  Which treaty are you referring to?

S. Moonesamy

2. There may be exceptions to this. 

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