[Community-Discuss] [rpd] Controversial anti-shutdown policy discussed at RIPE

Ish Sookun ish at lsl.digital
Fri May 12 18:55:35 UTC 2017

Hi Arnaud,

On 12/05/17 11:43, Arnaud AMELINA wrote:
> @Saul, I confirm that this shutdown policy is inappropriate on the PDP, it
> is a real waste of time because other policies are on the PDP table and
> nobody has yet reacted with them [...]

If there are other policies on the PDP table to which nobody has reacted
yet then don't you think those policies are not useful as nobody is

> everyone knows will not succeed, and we are advanced as an argument the
> debate that will arouse, it is like we laugh at our community of
> technicians. 

I feel that this part of your comment is a bit harsh. The
"anti-shutdown" proposal has probably garnered more attention from the
community than the other policies to which you mentioned nobody reacted.
This shows that people have a concern about the topic, some of them are
in favour of the proposal while some of them oppose it.

> We are not Politicians, we leave it to those who have the
> competence to debate it, and we will be there to support their decision. 

I believe we have reached a point where there is an "anti-shutdown"
policy on the PDP table because of actions by politicians.


Ish Sookun

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