[Community-Discuss] Questions about transparency

sm+afrinic at elandsys.com sm+afrinic at elandsys.com
Tue Jun 6 11:50:31 UTC 2017

Hi Andrew,
At 22:42 04-06-2017, Andrew Alston wrote:
>So – I want to open a bit of a discussion about 
>transparency, specifically, financial transparency.
>In order to get this started – let me ask a few questions of all of you –


>d.)    When AFRINIC is funding organizations 
>such as the ASO/NRO – how much transparency 
>should be supplied back to the members about how 
>that money is being spent and what that funding is actually being used for.
>e.)    When AFRINIC is funding board travel to 
>meetings around the world – should board members 
>be able to attend these conferences without ever 
>supplying reports about what was accomplished at 
>said meetings and what the purpose of the 
>expenditure was, or are we prepared to accept 
>that these meetings must be useful without further questions.
>Remember, every cent spent by AfriNIC can have 
>an impact on our fees, and impacts the bottom 
>line of the company.  Over the last 3 years, we have come a long way to

I disclose that I will be a Board member of 
Afrinic Ltd.  I also provided information about 
who I work for as part of this message.  I am not 
speaking on behalf of the Board.  I am aware that 
the revenue for Afrinic Ltd is derived from fees 
received from member organizations.  I'll try and 
provide an explanation about Questions (d) and (e).

Afrinic Ltd is one of five Regional Internet 
Registries (RIRs).  It is useful for Afrinic Ltd 
to coordinate with the other four RIRs.  It is 
also useful to support the coordinating body 
(Number Resource Organization) through 
funding.  The issue which you raised is about 
what is being done with that funding.  I'll look 
into the issue with my colleagues.  I might not 
be able to say much about (d) as I am subject to some constraints.

You will likely see me at the next Afrinic 
meeting.  I will have to ask Afrinic Ltd to cover the travel expenses as:

   (a) It will be for an Afrinic Ltd activity.

   (b) I would like to meet the representatives of the organizations
       which are members of Afrinic Ltd to discuss about RIR-related issues
       which they encounter.

   (c) I would also like to meet the persons who are not included
       in (b) and listen to their feedback.

It is not in my plans to travel to non-Afrinic 
Ltd meetings.  Should I participate in a 
non-Afrinic Ltd meeting?  I don't know the answer 
to that as I write this email.  Assuming that I 
do, there may be some confidential information 
which I am not be able to share in a report to the members of Afrinic Ltd.

S. Moonesamy 

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