[Community-Discuss] Who is the guarantor of AFRINIC

Arnaud AMELINA amelnaud at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 18:24:05 UTC 2017

2017-04-13 17:00 GMT+00:00 Tutu Ngcaba <pan.afrikhan at gmail.com>:

> Brother Arnaud,
> I also follow comments from that register article and a lot of people
> ridicule the Africa community which is not good due to mistake from that
> Author McCathry.
> Best Regards,
> Tutu Ngcaba
> Kwazulu Techno Hubs
> South Africa
Brother Tutu, I followed with attention all of your intervention.
Congratulation, for your good and wised observations.



> On 13 Apr 2017 3:27 p.m., "Arnaud AMELINA" <amelnaud at gmail.com> wrote:
>> *English :*
>> Dear member of the community, What is the aim of the authors and the
>> initiators of this Article ???
>> Do they have the right to share a process that has not yet been adopted
>> externally, still coming from a member of the Board of Afrinic, is
>> unacceptable, is there no longer any limit In AFRINIC, that the
>> different leaders take their respononsibilities and remind to the order the
>> indelices
>> The name AFRINIC has been engaged in this article, even though the
>> subject in question has not yet ratified by the community of AFRINIC or the
>> *French :*
>> Chers membre de la communauté, Quel est le but visé par les auteurs et
>> les initiateurs de cet Article ??? <https://www.theregister.co.uk/>
>> Ont-il le droit de faire part d'un processus non encore adopté à
>> l'extérieur, venant encore de la part d'un membre du Board d'Afrinic c'est
>> innacceptable, n'y a-t-il plus de limite à AFRINIC, que les différents
>> responsables prennent leurs respponsabilités et rappellent à l'odre les
>> indélicats.
>> Le nom d'AFRINIC a été engagé dans cet article alors même que le sujet en
>> question ne soit ratifié par la communauté d'AFRINIC ou par le BOARD.
>> <https://www.theregister.co.uk/>
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>> No more IP addresses for countries that shut down internet access Afrinic
>> considers punitive policy for errant governments
>> [image: reddit]
>> <https://www.reddit.com/submit?url=https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/04/12/no_ip_addresses_for_countries/&title=No%20more%20IP%20addresses%20for%20countries%20that%20shut%20down%20internet%20access>
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>> <https://twitter.com/share?text=No%20more%20IP%20addresses%20for%20countries%20that%20shut%20down%20internet%20access&url=https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/04/12/no_ip_addresses_for_countries/&via=theregister>
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>> 12 Apr 2017 at 19:54, Kieren McCarthy
>> <https://www.theregister.co.uk/Author/2886>
>> Governments that cut off internet access to their citizens could find
>> themselves refused new IP addresses under a proposal put forward by one of
>> the five global IP allocation organizations.
>> The suggested clampdown
>> <https://www.afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/policy-proposals/2061-anti-shutdown-01>
>> will be considered at the next meeting of internet registry Afrinic in
>> Botswana in June: Afrinic is in charge of managing and allocating IP
>> address blocks across Africa.
>> Under the proposal, a new section would be added to Afrinic's official
>> rules that would allow the organization to refuse to hand over any new IP
>> address to a country for 12 months if it is found to have ordered an
>> internet shutdown.
>> The ban would cover all government-owned entities and others that have a
>> "direct provable relationship with said government." It would also cover
>> any transfer of address space to those entities from others.
>> That withdrawal of services would escalate if the country continued to
>> pull the plug on internet access. Under the proposal: "In the event of a
>> government performing three or more such shutdowns in a period of 10 years
>> – all resources to the aforementioned entities shall be revoked and no
>> allocations to said entities shall occur for a period of 5 years."
>> The proposal was sparked by a recent increase in the number of complete
>> nationwide shutdowns of internet service – something that has been a cause
>> of increasing concern and ire within the internet infrastructure community.
>> The start
>> The trend started during the Egyptian revolution back in 2011 when
>> authorities killed the entire's country web access
>> <https://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/01/egypt_last_net_lost/> prior to
>> a big protest march. Employees of ISPs and mobile phone companies reported
>> troops turning up at their homes and pointing guns at their families in
>> order to enforce the shutdown.
>> Until then, many governments had assumed it was largely impossible to
>> turn off internet access to their entire nation. Soon after, government
>> departments educated themselves about AS numbers and internet routing and
>> started using their power to set up systems that would allow them to order
>> the shutdown of all networks from a central point.
>> While some countries only used this ability in the more dire
>> circumstances – riots or terrorist attacks – shutdowns quickly started
>> being used preemptively and for political reasons.
>> Bangladesh switched off
>> <https://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/11/18/bangladesh_shuts_down_its_internet_for_an_hour/>
>> its entire country's net connectivity prior to the sentencing of former
>> government leaders for war crimes. Then Iraq started shutting down the
>> entire country for several hours at a time in order to prevent exam
>> cheating
>> <https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/05/17/iraq_shuts_down_internet_to_prevent_exam_cheating/>
>> .
>> While these were enormously frustrating, the shutdown typically lasted
>> only a few hours. But then Cameroon decided to cut off the internet for
>> weeks – and targeted specific communities. The country's southwest and
>> northwest provinces were taken offline following violent protests: a
>> decision that had a hugely damaging impact on its "Silicon Mountain"
>> startup zone, and also took down its banks and ATMs.
>> In India, the number and frequency of internet shutdowns has sparked a
>> new protest movement and website <http://internetshutdowns.in/> that
>> tracks them.
>> The situation has grown so dire that the United Nations got involved and officially
>> condemned
>> <https://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/07/01/un_officially_condemns_internet_shutdowns/>
>> the practice at a meeting of the Human Rights Council back in July. Despite
>> opposition from a number of countries – including China, Russia, India and
>> Kenya – a resolution passed forbidding mass web blockades.
>> Plan
>> The reality, however, is that there is nothing to prevent governments
>> from shutting down the internet and very little anyone can do in the face
>> of a determined push from the authorities.
>> But now the techies are fighting back. The Afrinic proposal has been put
>> forward by the CTO and the Head of IP strategy for Liquid
>> Telecommunications – a large pan-African ISP – as well as the CEO of
>> Kenya's main ISP Association. As such it is a proposal that many are taking
>> seriously.
>> "While the authors of this policy acknowledge that what is proposed is
>> draconian in nature, we feel that the time has come for action to be taken,
>> rather than just bland statements that have shown to have little or no
>> effect," they wrote, noting that "over the last few years we have seen more
>> and more governments shutting down the free and open access to the internet
>> in order to push political and other agendas."
>> Whether governments like it or not, they are reliant on the provision of
>> IP address to expand their networks and digital economy, and Afrinic is the
>> only organization that can realistically provide them. If the policy does
>> get passed, it would almost certainly act as a strong deterrent for
>> government ministers to shutting down internet access.
>> But there are a wealth of problems with the idea, not least of which
>> would be the determination of what represents an internet shutdown. The
>> authors put forward a suggested definition:
>> An internet shutdown is deemed to have occurred when it can be proved
>> that there was an attempt, failed or successful, to restrict access to the
>> internet to a segment of the population irrespective of the provider or
>> access medium that they utilize.
>> That wording is likely to be very heavily scrutinized. And it would
>> require someone or group to make a determination that it has happened –
>> which would likely become a politically charged decision. And none of that
>> considers the fact that national leaders are unlikely to accept punitive
>> terms being placed against them by a third party.
>> In short, it is a huge political headache. But it may also be one that
>> only the internet community is capable to taking on and winning. The next
>> few months will see whether the 'net community in Africa is willing to take
>> on the challenge for the greater good. ®
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