[Community-Discuss] Accountability assessment - bylaws changes

Frank Habicht geier at geier.ne.tz
Mon Sep 19 03:49:27 UTC 2016


On 9/19/2016 12:44 AM, Boubakar Barry wrote:

> Not sure it's as simple as that.
> Do we want to encourage people/organisations to be be associate members
> just because of granted voting rights that have the potential of
> affecting resource members only?
> I know of organisations in which members are happy to be non-voting
> associate members because it gives them opportunities to contribute
> financially to the sustainability of these organisations, without
> benefiting from core services. Just because they share values of these
> organisations and want to support them.
> We can of course think of advantages we can give to associate members 
> to acknowledge their commitment and support. But I would not support
> giving voting rights to associate members. I would rather be for
> removing this membership category instead.

I agree, with all of the above. Well said.

Considering that someone could control many legal entities, and these
could all become associate members, that could change voting outcomes
very much into that someone's favour.

Frank Habicht

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