[Community-Discuss] IANA nubering service review commitee

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Wed Dec 9 13:30:14 UTC 2015

On Dec 9, 2015 12:17, "Seun Ojedeji" <seun.ojedeji at gmail.com> wrote:
> For example, one could say having the same person serve as PDWG Co-Chair
and Board member posits a conflict since board approves policy
SO: FWIW, It was brought to my attention that the word approves could mean
different things to people so the right word here would be "ratifies".


(even though we know pdwg chairs don't just come up with policies and 1
person does not make up the board).
> In the case of the review team and the ASO work, there doesn't exist any
of such situation where what I described above is possible. That said, one
could say that current NRO-NC members may not have enough skills to review
IANA operation because it's not part of their selection criteria (which is
a far guess as most NC members are experienced folks from the community),
so I think it may be good to add one more requirement relating to
understanding IANA operations(as it concern numbers) to the NRO-NC election
criteria. Hopefully this can be included in the next election call for the
NRO-NC position in our region.
> The work of the review team is going to be almost a check box activity as
most of the operations is automated. IMO it will be too small a job to get
a whole new set of people for and I don't think the NRO-EC is that busy not
to be able to add that little task to their agenda ;-)
> Regards
> On Dec 9, 2015 11:42, "Arnaud AMELINA" <amelnaud at gmail.com> wrote:
>> English version :
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Owen, We heard your dissent views on the IANA numbering service review
committee. Some of us think there is Conflict of Interest (the NRO NC/ASO
AC has a role in the path to the ICANN board relating to IP address
policy). This review work as defined, has a technical aspect wich is not
part of the NRO/NC mandate. It may well be that your view was considered by
CRISP, but we are working with what is defined with respect to IANA
numbering service review committee.  I am done on this topic.
>> French version :
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> Owen, nous avons entendu votre point de vue de la dissidence sur le
comité d'examen des services de numérotation de l'IANA. Certains d'entre
nous pensent qu'il y'a conflit d'intérêts (NRO NC / ASO AC) a un rôle
envers le CA de l'ICANN lié à la politique de l'adresse IP). Ce travail
d'évaluation tel que défini, a un aspect technique qui ne fait pas partie
du mandat NRO / NC. Il se pourrait bien que votre point de vue a été pris
en compte par le CRISP, mais nous nous travaillons avec ce qui été défini
par rapport au comité d'examen des services de numérotation de l'IANA. J'ai
fini avec ce sujet.
>> Good day.
>> Le 8 déc. 2015 20:25, "Owen DeLong" <owen at delong.com> a écrit :
>>> > The key issue is not to talk about the ability of our two
representatives elected by the community at NRO NC / ASO AC to serve  IANA
numbering services review committee.
>>> We as a global body have more than 2 elected representatives on the NRO
NC. There are two per RIR Region. (in addition to the one appointed by the
board for each region,
>>> bringing the total to 15, not 2).
>>> >
>>> > The Internet number community proposal has defined the establishment
of a new review committee for the  "IANA numbering services" instead of
entrusting the NRO NC / ASO AC by default.
>>> The point that others are making is that we believe this to be an error
and believe that this role should be entrusted to the NRO NC/ASO AC. Not
“by default” as you so obnoxiously put it,
>>> but by choice and because they are the people we have already chosen to
represent the community in interactions with the IANA, so they are, in
fact, the ones in the best position to provide
>>> oversight as to whether or not the IANA is meeting the needs of the
community they were elected to represent.
>>> Creating an additional body of outsiders to oversee this process means
you have a group of people who are not involved in the process on a regular
basis making judgments from a
>>> less informed perspective using a more limited tool set and less data.
I do not see how this can possibly be a good choice.
>>> > My point  was to define the profile of the people and how do we
select them, which does not exclude the two existing representatives at NRO
NC / ASO AC, but also give chance to other competent people to serve if
>>> I understand that your point is to take the current decision and treat
it as a fait accomplis. However, others of us wish to express our dissent
from that decision and reject its premise.
>>> > This leads to some questions and reflections:
>>> >
>>> > - Why the proposal has not recommended the NRO NC / ASO AC as
reviewers  of the "IANA Numbering Service”?
>>> An excellent question. I do not have a good answer for you, which is
one of the reasons I think it was an erroneous decision.
>>> > - If we were to use the resources available at the NRO NC / ASO AC,
Why exclude the one designated by the board ?
>>> I see no reason to do so and I never called for any such exclusion.
>>> > - Some people refer to "costs" issues related to the implementation
of a new voluntary committee who must work exclusively via teleconference.
Are we saying that because of "costs", Afrinic would not be able to honor
this commitment linked to its core business if necessary?
>>> Obviously not. However, the creation of, management of, maintenance of,
election or selection of, and other processes needed to keep a committee
operational are not without cost.
>>> What is being said is that we have a better choice readily available
without any additional costs, rendering these costs unnecessary.
>>> > - The separation of roles whenever possible has always been a good
>>> No. The separation of roles when there is a conflict of interest is
always an important and good choice. In this case, there is not only a
conflict of interest, but a synergy of the roles such that the greatest
benefit comes from combining them.
>>> The ASO/AC has a liaison role between the RIRs and the IANA providing
stewardship over the global policy development process and managing the
process of communication between the IANA and the RIR Communities. They are
elected by and serve those communities. As such, they are in an ideal
position to evaluate the level of performance of the IANA in its duties to
those communities and provide the required feedback and oversight. Any
other body would actually be by definition less informed and less able to
render proper judgment.
>>> Owen
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