[Community-Discuss] IANA nubering service review commitee

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Mon Dec 7 20:41:51 UTC 2015


Your concerns are specious IMHO.

The ASO AC acts as advisors on policy matters.

The role here being discussed for this supposed new committee is to review as representatives of the RIR community whether or not ICANN has performed the IANA functions for the numbers community to an adequate level.

The ASO AC as elected representatives of the RIR community are, in fact, perfectly capable of taking on that role. Their advisory role on policy is not a conflict of interest for this oversight role IMHO.

You are very presumptuous to claim that McTim or I do not understand the function of NRO NC/ASO AC. I’m quite certain that we understand it very well and have significant experience working with said group over many years.


> On Dec 7, 2015, at 11:56 , Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, 
> It seems that there is something that escapes you. This task is also technique, which can not be as simple as you thought. Moreover, in my humble opinion there is no additional cost to generate because the meeting will be made remotely by videoconferencing.
> More importantly, it seems to me that the function of NRO NC / ASO AC, escapes you, this committee is already involved in ALS level as advisors, they can not be reviewer again, which would amount to be judge and party.
> 2015-12-07 17:08 GMT+00:00 McTim <mctimconsulting at gmail.com <mailto:mctimconsulting at gmail.com>>:
> Hi,
> Having the NRO NC/ASO AC do this task seems to me to be the simplest
> path forward.
> There is no need to set up a new committee, with its associated costs
> and effort to do what the NRO NC could easily do with minimal effort.
> The SLA review wouldn't take up much time at all on an annual basis,
> would it?
> Regards,
> McTim
> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 7:52 AM, Arnaud AMELINA <amelnaud at gmail.com <mailto:amelnaud at gmail.com>> wrote:
> > Dear Afrinic community,
> > I understood after the face to face discussions on this topic, that we can
> > still send comments and suggestions on this.
> >
> > Since the role of this committee is to verify compliance with the SLA in
> > providing services on this critical function which  is both administrative
> > and technical , it is important to define the profile of those who are to
> > serve on this committee, define the selection mechanism and their term.
> >
> > I think that instead of automatically appointing  those who are already
> > serving  at NRO NC / ASO AC, we shall open it and give chance to other
> > competents people to also serve.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Arnaud
> >
> >
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