[members-discuss] Formal mediation

Ben Roberts Ben.Roberts at liquid.tech
Wed Jun 22 15:05:01 UTC 2022

PTAs stance on which RIR they allow licenced operators in Pakistan to source IPs is entirely the business of Pakistan, PTA, and licenced operators in Pakistan.  They have no regulatory powers over Africa, and unless they are a paid up member of Afrinic, then they have no say or influence in this matter at hand.

Kind regards.


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From: Amin Dayekh <admin at megamore.ng>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 5:50:56 PM
To: Ben Roberts <Ben.Roberts at liquid.tech>
Cc: tech <tech at cloudinnovation.org>; community-discuss <community-discuss at afrinic.net>; members-discuss <members-discuss at afrinic.net>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Formal mediation

the questions that remain valid Ben,

1- Is the reason justified to get the IP resources still applicable?
2- are the ip resources still in use for that justified reason?

herewith what PTA directed its members (especially about afrinic)

if PTA as the telecom authority is prohibiting the use of IP resources from Afrinic, Rather especially from afrinic, how a broker is going beyond that directive?
[PTA-Email (1).jpeg]

On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 3:22 PM Ben Roberts <Ben.Roberts at liquid.tech> wrote:
It is possible to postulate that AFRINIC threw the first punch buy revoking membership and resource holdings of members who relied upon those resources for their business.

I'm sure all cases should be judged or mediated based on the applicable law however. Who hit first or hit back hardest probably isn't the pertinent issue.

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From: Amin Dayekh <admin at megamore.ng<mailto:admin at megamore.ng>>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 4:46:09 PM
To: tech <tech at cloudinnovation.org<mailto:tech at cloudinnovation.org>>
Cc: community-discuss <community-discuss at afrinic.net<mailto:community-discuss at afrinic.net>>; members-discuss <members-discuss at afrinic.net<mailto:members-discuss at afrinic.net>>
Subject: Re: [members-discuss] Formal mediation


As a resource member in good standing, I would like to advise AFRINIC should be very cautious in dealing with the resource member who filed countless litigations against all of us.

The said member obtained an ex-parte to freeze AFRINIC bank accounts. Was this to force AFRINIC to the table.

They repeatedly secured multiple court injunctions to paralyze AFRINIC to its knees so that they can force AFRINIC to the mediation table.

They filed injunctions to stop Members from exercising our rights to vote in our own elections and led to AFRINIC not having a full board. This was to bring AFRINIC to its knees so that they can force AFRINIC to mediation.

AFRINIC, its resource members, and AFRICAN governments and civil society should all ensure that AFRINIC is not tricked by the same group.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 2:20 PM tech <tech at cloudinnovation.org<mailto:tech at cloudinnovation.org>> wrote:

Following public speculation, Cloud Innovation can confirm that it has requested formal mediation with AFRINIC via the court.

We are yet to hear back formally from AFINIC but we are hopeful that they will accept our request.

The issues raised by Cloud Innovation, and other members of AFRINIC, are of global importance and sitting down to discuss the issues can only benefit the world’s internet users.

We commit to confirm if AFRINIC agree to participate in our mediation but the actual mediation discussions would remain confidential.

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