[members-discuss] AFRINiC costs

AFRINIC Communication comms at afrinic.net
Fri Jul 29 10:41:32 UTC 2022

Dear Paul, 

Without commenting on the veracity of your source of information, we can confirm that 2 sitting directors and 2 ex-directors appeared before the Supreme Court on 25th July 2022 in respect of one of the three contempt cases. 

In line with the transparency policy and standard practice, the finance report will provide related costs for the aforesaid court appearance. Presently, as you are aware, the board has no quorum as such, publication of any finance-related report will be delayed as all financial-related reports are; prior to publication, reviewed by the Finance Committee, the latter being a sub-committee of the board. 

We, therefore, count on your patience until the publication of the finance report. 

AFRINIC Communication

> On 26 Jul 2022, at 10:07, Paul Wollner <paul.wollner at africaoncloud.net> wrote:
> I have heard that in yesterday mornings contempt session, all the ex-directors were present and represented by the same lawyer as AFRINIC. Please confirm for the members the following: 
> 1. Who paid their travel and legal cost?
> 2. The estimated cost amounts to 50000 usd. It’s quite a large amount, as it nearly equals to the annual salary of 4 Afrinic staff. 
> Please confirm if the estimated cost below are in fact true:
> Seat 1 Habib (Tunisia)
> ($3293 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 2 Emmanuel (Nigeria)
> ($3862 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 5 Angola Syvio -(Angola)
> ($3454 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 6 Abdalla (Kenya)
> ($3907 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 7 Seun (nigeria)
> ($3862 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Seat 8 Benjamin  (Ghana)
> ($4913 = Flight, Hotel = $3677)
> Grand total: $51,353 usd
> Paul
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