[Community-Discuss] A personal note

robert ford robertford2 at icloud.com
Wed Jul 6 06:07:10 UTC 2022

Dear Eddy,

Your Nobility and integrity cannot be questioned by any rightful thinking member of our Internet community. Rest assured that those with forward looking and reasonable minds won’t substitute to the baseless accusations toward you.

Focus on what makes you and AFRINIC community a worthwhile entity that strives to secure its befitting and rightful place in the global internet family. You occupy a position at the height of your career that was and isn’t accidental. 

Our support for your enduring service and sacrifice to the community must never be questioned neither doubted.

Best of luck!

Robert Ford 
Independent ICT Consultant 
EAC ONA & Tech Investments
+250 788504406
Twitter: @robertnford
Skype: robert4dd

Sent from my MacBook Air 13’ 

> On 28 Jun 2022, at 14:52, Eddy Kayihura <eddy at afrinic.net <mailto:eddy at afrinic.net>> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have been following the discussions on the AFRINIC members-discuss and community-discuss mailing lists. I find it unfortunately necessary that I must send out this email.
> I will not defend myself from the allegations made against me. Anyone who knows me, the history of my country, and my upbringing would know that I can never and would never support any call for tribalism or xenophobia. I know that even those who made such allegations against me are aware of how beneath them these tactics are.
> I will however use this opportunity to remind all, myself included, that hate is never the answer. Destroying bridges will always be easier than building them. Attempts to divide and concur us Africans are as old as time itself. Unfortunately, these calls sometimes come from within and not from abroad. 
> AFRINIC was established as an entity that should unite us as a continent and build a community of like-minded people that care about the development of their land and does not focus on our differences, but rather take advantage of the robustness of our diversity and the strength in our numbers and unity.
> I hope you, like me, see what really is at stake here.
> Regards,
> Eddy
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