[AFRINIC-Announce] Draft Registration Services Agreement (RSA) and Transfer Agreement Published for Comments

AFRINIC Communications comms-announce at afrinic.net
Fri Nov 3 11:38:51 UTC 2017

Dear AFRINIC community,

 On 2 October 2017 a revised RSA was published for public comments.  The comment period ended on 30 October 2017.

 We have prepared a table summarising the comments and staff responses to the comments, as well as a revised version of the RSA.

 We have also identified a risk that, if a requested transfer is denied for some reason, AFRINIC may be sued by either the source or recipient or both. 

 We have prepared a Transfer Agreement which source and recipient will sign to protect AFRINIC from that risk.

 Here are the relevant documents:

* Previous call for comments [https://afrinic.net/en/news/2211-call-for-comments-on-a-revision-to-the-rsa]

* Summary of comments and responses [https://www.afrinic.net/images/20171031_rsa_comments.pdf]

* Revised draft RSA dated 31 October 2017, showing changes from previous version of RSA dated January 2016 [https://www.afrinic.net/images/rsa_afrinic-changes-20171031.pdf]

* Document showing changes from the draft RSA dated 30 September 2017 to the revised draft dated 31 October 2017 [https://www.afrinic.net/images/rsa_afrinic-changes-from-20170930-20171031.pdf]

* Draft Transfer Agreement dated 1 November 2017 [https://www.afrinic.net/images/transfer_afrinic-20171101.pdf]

Comments on these documents are welcome for one week, until 10 November 2017 at: https://www.afrinic.net/en/library/cfc

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