[AFRINIC-Announce] Governance Commitete election results

Alan Barrett alan.barrett at afrinic.net
Wed Nov 30 12:37:06 UTC 2016

Dear AFRINIC members and community,

I am pleased to announce the results of the AFRINIC Governance Committee election conducted on 30 November 2016.

To serve a three-year term (Jan 2017 to Dec 2019):
	Isatou Jah (The Gambia, Western Africa)

To serve a two-year term (Jan 2017 to Dec 2018):
	Wafa Dahmani (Tunisia, Northern Africa)

To serve  one-year term (Jan 2017 to Dec 2017):
	Abdalla Omari (Kenya, Eastern Africa)

The vote counts were:

41 John Walubengo (Kenya, Eastern Africa)
43 Abdalla Omari (Kenya, Eastern Africa)
 9 Caroline Muthoni Mwangi (Kenya, Eastern Africa)
53 Wafa Dahmani (Tunisia, Northern Africa)
57 Isatou Jah (The Gambia, Western Africa)
39 Zeimm Bibi Auladin-Suhootoorah (Mauritius, Indian Ocean)
 3 None of the above


Alan Barrett

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