[AFRINIC-Announce] Adopting the Consolidated Policy Manual

AFRINIC Communication comm-announce at afrinic.net
Fri Aug 12 13:05:21 UTC 2016

Dear Colleagues,

The Consolidated Policy Manual is a single document where all currently active policies (implemented) have been moved and integrated to make it easier for community members to look up and read through active policy, as well as eliminate complexity in the policy update process.
The latest version is available at http://afrinic.net/en/community/policy-development/1831-consolidated-policy-manual
We shall transition from the current system of individual policy documents to the CPM on 15 September 2016. After this date, all individual implemented policies shall be archived, and the PDWG co-chairs will work with authors of currently open policy proposals to align their content with the newly adopted CPM.
We would like to encourage community members to browse the CPM at the above url and point out any issues or improvements by using the comments section at the bottom of the document, or directly on rpd[at]afrinic.net

AFRINIC Communication

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