[AFRINIC-Announce] Registration for INRM & IPV6 Training in Ethiopia:OPEN

AFRINIC Communication comm-announce at afrinic.net
Wed Apr 6 06:16:41 UTC 2016

[Version Française]

Dear Colleagues 

We would like to inform you that registration is now open for the upcoming AFRINIC INRM & IPv6 Training Course which will take place in Addis Ababa -Ethiopia as follows:
Date: 17 - 20 May 2016
Venue: Will be communicated to selected participants.
Fees: FREE of charge with priority given to participants from AFRINIC members
Registration: http://learn.afrinic.net/trp1/node/18/ <http://learn.afrinic.net/trp1/node/18/>
This workshop is being hosted by Ethiopian Education Research Network  and  ICT Centre of Excellence (ICT CoE)


Chers collègues,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que l'inscription est ouverte pour l'atelier d'AFRINIC qui se tiendra à Addis Abeba, Ethiopie:

Date:17 - 20 mai 2016

Lieu: Le lieu de la formation sera communiqué aux participants sélectionnés

Frais : Gratuit et en priorité aux membres d’AFRINIC

Inscription: http://learn.afrinic.net/trp1/node/18/ <http://learn.afrinic.net/trp1/node/18/>

Cette formation est co-organisée par Ethiopian Education Research Network & ICT Centre of Excellence (ICT CoE)

L’équipe AFRINIC

t: +230 403 5100 | f: +230 466 6758 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net <http://www.afrinic.net/>
facebook.com/afrinic <http://facebook.com/afrinic> | flickr.com/afrinic <http://flickr.com/afrinic> | youtube.com/afrinicmedia <http://youtube.com/afrinicmedia>
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