[AfriNIC-announce] Invitation: 2009 EA-IGF, 7-9 September 2009, Nairobi, Kenya

Lillian O. Sharpley lillian at afrinic.net
Thu Aug 27 12:55:15 SAST 2009

Resubmitted on behalf of KICTANet.

Dear Colleagues,

The Kenya ICT Action Network (KICTANet), the Kenya Network Information
Centre (KENIC) in collaboration with other organisations are pleased to
invite you to the second East African Internet Governance Forum (EA-IGF
2009) to be held at the Jacaranda hotel in Nairobi, Kenya, from 7th to 9th
September 2009. The programme and programme summary are available from the
EA-IGF website: www.eaigf.or.ke.
The forums theme is: Advancing the Internet Governance Debate in East
Africa: "Thinking Globally; Acting Locally".

The 2009 EA-IGF is a follow up to the inaugural EA-IGF that was held in
November 2008 in Nairobi, which aimed at catalysing the internet governance
debate in the East African sub region.
With the increased access to broadband infrastructure in the East Africa
region and the continued spread of sophisticated mobile services,
understanding and addressing Internet policy issues has become a priority.
The national and regional EA-IGF's will help prepare East African
stakeholders to address the opportunities, strengths and challenges that
arise, as well as ensuring that they have a voice in shaping Internet policy
decisions at the global level.
This year's EAIGF therefore seeks to continue to strengthen the national and
regional dialogues on Internet Governance as well as;

*	Increase awareness of Internet Governance issues, including but not
limited to local content and cyber security; 
*	Continue to develop capacity  and skills of various stakeholders and
build regional consensus IG issues; and 
*	Begin to discuss the development of a regional East African
Communication policy, among others.

The outcomes of the forum will be submitted to the East Africa Regulatory,
Postal and Telecommunications Organization (EARPTO), the African
Parliamentary Knowledge Network (APKN), as well as, the fourth United
Nations Internet Governance Forum (UNIGF) taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh,
Egypt, in November 2009. The EA-IGF will also set the stage for the 37th
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) meeting to be
held in Nairobi, Kenya, in March 2010.

For planning purposes, please register for the meeting at
http://www.eaigf.or.ke or send an email to meeting at eaigf.or.ke confirming
your attendance; by 2nd September 2009.

Kind Regards,

Vincent Ngundi
Administrative Manager
KENIC - The Kenya Network Information Centre
vincent at kenic.or.ke
[T] +254 20 4450057/8
[C] +254 20 2398036
[M] +254 733 790073
[F] +254 20 4450087

"dot KE for Every Name in Kenya!"


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