[AfriNIC-announce] Fwd: [afnog] Abha Ahuja Award 2009 - Call for Applications

Adiel A. Akplogan adiel at afrinic.net
Thu Apr 23 01:59:02 SAST 2009

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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Mark Tinka <mtinka at globaltransit.net>
> Date: April 22, 2009 02:14:49 AM GMT+04:00
> To: afnog at afnog.org
> Cc: afren at afnog.org, Discuss at afrispa.org
> Subject: [afnog] Abha Ahuja Award 2009 - Call for Applications
> Reply-To: mtinka at globaltransit.net
> Overview
> Since 2008, the generosity of an anonymous donor and the
> administration of the Internet Society, have allowed a
> person from Africa to participate in a regional operators
> meeting.
> The Abha Ahuja Bursary Committee, a group of volunteers who
> is maintaining this fund, cordially invites suitable
> applicants to apply for fellowship funding to participate in
> the RIPE Meeting, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 5 - 9
> October 2009.
> Background information about Abha Ahuja can be found at:
> http://www.afnog.org/abha_ahuja_bursary/
> Target Audience
> The Abha Ahuja Bursary targets individuals from the African
> continent who are actively involved in Internet development,
> in any of the following roles:
>  * Engineers (Network Builders)
>  * Operational and Infrastructure Support Personnel
>  * Educators, Teachers, and Trainers
> Award Package
> Successful applicants will be provided with transportation
> to and from the meetings and a reasonable (local host
> standard) allowance for food and accommodation. In addition
> all fees for participation in the conferences, tutorials,
> and social events will be waived. The final grant size is
> determined according to final costs and available funding,
> and will be advised to successful applicants.
> RIPE Meeting
> A RIPE Meeting is a five-day event where Internet Service
> Providers, network operators and other interested parties
> from Europe and the surrounding regions get together.
> The meeting is open to everyone. Although the meeting is
> mostly technical, it is also a chance for people who
> communicate regularly on an electronic basis to meet face to
> face.
> More information can be found at:
> http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/introduction.html
> Criteria for Selection
> The Abha Ahuja Bursary Committee will select the fellow
> according to following criteria.
>  * Membership in the Target Audience listed above
>  * Residency in a country on the African continent
>  * Demonstrated ability to utilize the experiences gained
>    from the RIPE Meeting within their country and region
> Application for Fellowships
> The deadline for application is 15 May 2009, and the awardee
> will be informed by 25 May 2009.
> To apply for the fellowship please fill in the form at
> <http://www.afnog.org/abha_ahuja_bursary.html>
> Thank you.
> Mark Tinka, for the Abha Ahuja Bursary Committee.
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