[afrinic-announce] Renaming of some afrinic.net mailing lists.

Hisham R Rojoa hisham at afrinic.net
Tue Jan 30 14:55:29 SAST 2007

Dear Colleagues

Following the discussions recently in the mailing list regarding the
renaming of the mailings lists and creation of new lists, we are
planning to add the following mailing list name to the mailing list so
as to avoid confusion with other mailing lists.

[afrinic-announce] announce at afrinic.net
[afrinic-resource-policy-discuss] rpd at afrinic.net
[afrinic-service] service at afrinic.net
[afrinic-anti-spam-discuss] anti-spam at afrinic.net

The spam mailing list is also changed to anti-spam at afrinic.net. 

The time frames will remain as mentioned below.

Best Regards

Hisham R. Rojoa
Membership Liaison and Communications Officer

-----Original Message-----
Dear Colleagues,

To better organise our communication with the community and following
some consultation during the previous AfriNIC-5 meeting, we are planning
to re-organize our mailing lists as follows :

afrinic-discuss  will be renamed to  afrinic-announce
policy-wg        will be renamed to  "Resource Policy Discuss"
                                     rpd at afrinic.net

As from from 12th of Jan, both mailing lists will be active until the
1st of Feb. Posts to the original mailing list will all be sent to the
new list.

We will also be creating two new mailing lists as follows:

afrinic-service:  to discuss services provided by AfriNIC to its members
spam-discuss :    to discuss issues related to spam

If there any comments, questions or concerns about the nomenclature, do
not hesitate to inform us (in reply to this communication)

Kind Regards,


More information about the afrinic-announce mailing list