[afrinic-announce] Renaming of some afrinic.net mailing lists.

Yaovi Atohoun yaovito at yahoo.fr
Wed Jan 17 11:04:33 SAST 2007

  Hi all,
  I think that  clear understanding of the list's purposes from the names  is better than short names. I agree with Ayitey's suggestions.
  Yaovi Atohoun

Ayitey Bulley <abulley at ghana.com> a écrit :

I disagree, I think the "afrinic" prefix is unnecessary. All the lists 
are '@afrinic.net' so we already know the organization we are dealing with.

So I suggest



Ernest Byaruhanga (AfriNIC) wrote:
> hi Antony,
> Antony Cooper wrote the following on 01/12/2007 04:01 PM:
>> Dear Ernest
>> I would like to suggest that each mailing list should be prefaced by
>> the word 'afrinic', otherwise the names could be ambiguous. Hence:
>> afrinic-announce
>> afrinic-resource-policy-discuss
>> afrinic-service
>> afrinic-spam-discuss
> No problem, if everyone else agrees..
>> Will we be subscribed automatically to the new lists
> yes.
> rgds,
> ernest.
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