[afrinic-discuss] AfriNIC Elections Processes
adiel at afrinic.net
Thu Feb 17 18:27:56 SAST 2005
Dear colleagues,
Find bellow a drafted updated Election process in AfriNIC region
for comment. Comment should be sent directly to:
election-comments at afrinic.net
Comments period is opened until February 24th.
Kind regards.
Adiel A. Akplogan.
AfriNIC Board members and ASO EC representatives election process:
According to Section 17.5 of AfriNIC bylaws, and in result of the first
board Election held in April 2004, this year two seats (two regions)
will be open for renewal. Representatives from Central Africa and
Indian Ocean will be elected for three year terms (2005-2008). For the
purpose of this election and to refine and formalize the board election
process in the AfriNIC region, we have
put together the following proposal. This proposal is a draft and
open for comments until February 15th.
At the same time, we are calling for two volunteers to seat at the
election committee. If you are interested, please send a mail to
elections at afrinic.org before April 16th.
Board Election:
Preamble: This document defines the process to be followed by AfriNIC to
conduct a renewal of its elected Board of Directors. It doesn't supersede
the Bylaws and should be consistent with the bylaws in all aspects.
1 - Who is elected: All regular open positions in the board are for the
primary and alternate position (Section 17.11 and 17.18).
2 - Seats: The board seats are numbered according to a statistic of
membership per sub-region in 2004 prior to the very first
election. This numbering will be maintained for all upcoming renewals.
Seats 1 and 2, from Northern Africa and Western Africa respectively;
Seats 3 and 4, from Southern Africa and Eastern Africa respectively;
Seats 5 and 6, from Indian Ocean and Central Africa respectively.
To comply with section 17.15 of the bylaws, the first election was
conducted with different terms for the pairs as follows:
a) for 3-year terms (2004-2007): Seat 1 and 2 (primary and alternate)
b) for 2-year terms (2004-2006): Seat 3 and 4 (primary and alternate)
c) for 1-year terms (2004-2005): Seat 5 and 6 (primary and alternate)
E.g: In 2005 only seat 5 & 6 will be renewed for the regular three
year period and we will have at the end of 2006 election terms as
seat Region Elected Up to
1 North Africa 2004 2007
2 West Africa 2004 2007
3 Southern Africa 2006 2009
4 Eastern Africa 2006 2009
5 Indian Ocea 2005 2008
6 Central Africa 2005 2008
3 - Election Committee: There should be an Election Committee (ECom)
to drive the whole election process. It has to be appointed at
least 90 days before the election.
The committee will be composed of:
o 1 Member appointed by the board (the CEO or one elected from the
board - From an non-open seat)
o 2 Member volunteers from the community (from two different regions).
The ECom members shall elect among themselves a Chair. The committee
should report to the community.
4 - Who can vote: Only organizations meeting the following criteria
are able to vote:
a - Any formal(*) member of AfriNIC.
b - Any already established LIR/ISP operating with ARIN or RIPE
NCC and has signed AfriNIC RSA (reg-ID and Member ID required)
c - Candidates for opened positions.
d - Proxies dully approved at least 24 hours by the CEO.
(*) formal members: Members who have filled the AfriNIC membership form
and are financially up to date in AfriNIC accounting books.
Information about AfriNIC membership should be available online at
least 7 days before the AGM.
*** Proxy: If an organization is not able to send a representative to
attend an AGM, it can give its rights to vote to a Proxy according to
the AfriNIC bylaws (section 15), by filling the proxy form that can be
found at:
5 - Time lines: The election Process will be run with the following
time lines:
Election-70 days: Call for volunteer to seat in the ECom.
-60 days: Announcement of Election committee members
-60 days: Opening of the candidacy/nomination period.
-45 days: Close of Nomination period *
-40 days: Review of nomination, contacting nominees for more
details if needed
-30 days: Official announcement of Candidate by the Election
Committee President and opening of Public comment period
-7 days: Close of public comments
Election day: election supervised by the ECom
Election Day: Announcement of election Result by the ECom President.
First board meeting after the election: Elected candidates will
take seats.
6 - Nomination and Candidacy must be submitted to
board-elections at afrinic.org with the following information:
Full name:
Organization (or affiliation):
Physical address:
e-mail address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Country and sub-region:
Brief statement explaining the candidate's
background and motivation (Not more than 500 words):
** You may want to add a picture (it will appear in your details)
ASO AC and NRO NC election
1 - Who is elected: AfriNIc as a Regional registry has to select 3
representatives to the ICANN ASO EC (the Address Support Organisation -
Executive Committee) [Session 2.a of ASO MoU]. According to the MoU
each has to be selected in an open process for a 3 year period.
The first representatives of the RIR must be elected for a
staggered term of 1, 2, 3 years [Section 2.b]. With the new NRO/ASO
MoU signed between the NRO and ICANN, the ASO EC members will be
composed of the NRO NC members (NRO Name Council). but the NRO MoU
states that the NRO NC should be composed of three representatives
from eachRIR as follows:
1 member appointed by the board
2 members elected by the community
For this first process, we are suggesting that AfriNIC follows the
NRO NC member nomination scheme. This mean only two persons will be
elected with staggered terms (for the first elected) of 2 and 3 years,
while the first representative appointed by the board will be
appointed for one year term.
2 - Seats: There will be three seats to be filled by AfriNIC in the ASO
EC. First elected representative terms will be determined by the
total number of votes collected by the two first nominees after the
vote is cast. We will then have:
First: 3 years term (2005-2008)
Second: 2 years term (2005-2007)
Third: 1 year term (2005-2006) appointed by the board
3 - Election Committee: We don't see the need to have an ECom for ASO
EC representative election as this election is opened to anybody and
anybody can vote. But if requested or needed, this role can be
fulfill by the Board Ecom too as soon as in place.
4 - Who can vote: Any body within the AfriNIC service region can vote for
ASO EC representative. The election will be held during one of the
public Policy meeting
Proxy: For ASO EC member their is no need for proxy.
5 - Time lines: The election Process will be run with the following
time lines:
Election-60 days: Announcement of the candidacy/nomination period.
-45 days: Close of Nomination period
-45 days: Review of nomination, contacting nominees for more details
if needed
-40 days: Official announcement of Candidates by the Election
Committee President and opening of Public comment period
-7 days: End of public comment period
-7 days: Review and update of Nominees list.
Election day: election
Election Day: Announcement of election Results the CEO.
First ASO EC meeting after the election: Elected candidates will take
seats [applicable only for
the first election]
6 - Nomination and Candidacy must be submitted to
aso-ec-elections at afrinic.org with the following information:
Full name:
Organization (or affiliation):
Physical address:
e-mail address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Brief statement explaining the candidate's
background and motivation (Not more than 500 words):
** You may want to add a picture (it will appear in your details)
- a.
-------------- next part --------------
AfriNIC Board members and ASO EC representatives election process: |
According to Section 17.5 of AfriNIC bylaws, and in result of the first
board Election held in April 2004, this year two seats (two regions)
will be open for renewal. Representatives from Central Africa and
Indian Ocean will be elected for three year terms (2005-2008). For the
purpose of this election and to refine and formalize the board election
process in the AfriNIC region, we have
put together the following proposal. This proposal is a draft and
open for comments until February 15th.
At the same time, we are calling for two volunteers to seat at the
election committee. If you are interested, please send a mail to
elections at afrinic.org before April 16th.
Board Election:
Preamble: This document defines the process to be followed by AfriNIC to
conduct a renewal of its elected Board of Directors. It doesn't supersede
the Bylaws and should be consistent with the bylaws in all aspects.
1 - Who is elected: All regular open positions in the board are for the
primary and alternate position (Section 17.11 and 17.18).
2 - Seats: The board seats are numbered according to a statistic of
membership per sub-region in 2004 prior to the very first
election. This numbering will be maintained for all upcoming renewals.
Seats 1 and 2, from Northern Africa and Western Africa respectively;
Seats 3 and 4, from Southern Africa and Eastern Africa respectively;
Seats 5 and 6, from Indian Ocean and Central Africa respectively.
To comply with section 17.15 of the bylaws, the first election was
conducted with different terms for the pairs as follows:
a) for 3-year terms (2004-2007): Seat 1 and 2 (primary and alternate)
b) for 2-year terms (2004-2006): Seat 3 and 4 (primary and alternate)
c) for 1-year terms (2004-2005): Seat 5 and 6 (primary and alternate)
E.g: In 2005 only seat 5 & 6 will be renewed for the regular three
year period and we will have at the end of 2006 election terms as
seat Region Elected Up to
1 North Africa 2004 2007
2 West Africa 2004 2007
3 Southern Africa 2006 2009
4 Eastern Africa 2006 2009
5 Indian Ocea 2005 2008
6 Central Africa 2005 2008
3 - Election Committee: There should be an Election Committee (ECom)
to drive the whole election process. It has to be appointed at
least 90 days before the election.
The committee will be composed of:
o 1 Member appointed by the board (the CEO or one elected from the
board - From an non-open seat)
o 2 Member volunteers from the community (from two different regions).
The ECom members shall elect among themselves a Chair. The committee
should report to the community.
4 - Who can vote: Only organizations meeting the following criteria
are able to vote:
a - Any formal(*) member of AfriNIC.
b - Any already established LIR/ISP operating with ARIN or RIPE
NCC and has signed AfriNIC RSA (reg-ID and Member ID required)
c - Candidates for opened positions.
d - Proxies dully approved at least 24 hours by the CEO.
(*) formal members: Members who have filled the AfriNIC membership form
and are financially up to date in AfriNIC accounting books.
Information about AfriNIC membership should be available online at
least 7 days before the AGM.
*** Proxy: If an organization is not able to send a representative to
attend an AGM, it can give its rights to vote to a Proxy according to
the AfriNIC bylaws (section 15), by filling the proxy form that can be
found at:
5 - Time lines: The election Process will be run with the following
time lines:
Election-70 days: Call for volunteer to seat in the ECom.
-60 days: Announcement of Election committee members
-60 days: Opening of the candidacy/nomination period.
-45 days: Close of Nomination period *
-40 days: Review of nomination, contacting nominees for more
details if needed
-30 days: Official announcement of Candidate by the Election
Committee President and opening of Public comment period
-7 days: Close of public comments
Election day: election supervised by the ECom
Election Day: Announcement of election Result by the ECom President.
First board meeting after the election: Elected candidates will
take seats.
6 - Nomination and Candidacy must be submitted to
board-elections at afrinic.org with the following information:
Full name:
Organization (or affiliation):
Physical address:
e-mail address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Country and sub-region:
Brief statement explaining the candidate's
background and motivation (Not more than 300 words):
** You may want to add a picture (it will appear in your details)
ASO AC and NRO NC election
1 - Who is elected: AfriNIc as a Regional registry has to select 3
representatives to the ICANN ASO EC (the Address Support Organisation -
Executive Committee) [Session 2.a of ASO MoU]. According to the MoU
each has to be selected in an open process for a 3 year period.
The first representatives of the RIR must be elected for a
staggered term of 1, 2, 3 years [Section 2.b]. With the new NRO/ASO
MoU signed between the NRO and ICANN, the ASO EC members will be
composed of the NRO NC members (NRO Name Council). but the NRO MoU
states that the NRO NC should be composed of three representatives
from eachRIR as follows:
1 member appointed by the board
2 members elected by the community
For this first process, we are suggesting that AfriNIC follows the
NRO NC member nomination scheme. This mean only two persons will be
elected with staggered terms (for the first elected) of 2 and 3 years,
while the first representative appointed by the board will be
appointed for one year term.
2 - Seats: There will be three seats to be filled by AfriNIC in the ASO
EC. First elected representative terms will be determined by the
total number of votes collected by the two first nominees after the
vote is cast. We will then have:
First: 3 years term (2005-2008)
Second: 2 years term (2005-2007)
Third: 1 year term (2005-2006) appointed by the board
3 - Election Committee: We don't see the need to have an ECom for ASO
EC representative election as this election is opened to anybody and
anybody can vote. But if requested or needed, this role can be
fulfill by the Board Ecom too as soon as in place.
4 - Who can vote: Any body within the AfriNIC service region can vote for
ASO EC representative. The election will be held during one of the
public Policy meeting
Proxy: For ASO EC member their is no need for proxy.
5 - Time lines: The election Process will be run with the following
time lines:
Election-60 days: Announcement of the candidacy/nomination period.
-45 days: Close of Nomination period
-45 days: Review of nomination, contacting nominees for more details
if needed
-40 days: Official announcement of Candidates by the Election
Committee President and opening of Public comment period
-7 days: End of public comment period
-7 days: Review and update of Nominees list.
Election day: election
Election Day: Announcement of election Results the CEO.
First ASO EC meeting after the election: Elected candidates will take
seats [applicable only for the first election]
6 - Nomination and Candidacy must be submitted to
aso-ec-elections at afrinic.org with the following information:
Full name:
Organization (or affiliation):
Physical address:
e-mail address:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Brief statement explaining the candidate's
background and motivation (Not more than 300 words):
** You may want to add a picture (it will appear in your details)
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