[AISPC] Final Draft Programme for AFNOG and AFRINIC meetings at AIS'15

Ashil ashil at afrinic.net
Wed May 20 09:20:00 UTC 2015

Hello PC,


From the 24 submissions received and following evaluation and comments on presentation proposals received from PC,here is the final draft programme for AFNOG-16 and AFRINIC-22. 

AFNOG has selected nine presentations from these submissions and included these in their programme on 2 June.

AFRINIC has selected the remaining 15 presentations and included in its programme on 5 June

AfNOG Day - 2 June

0700hrs - 0900hrs     Registration
0900hrs - 0910hrs     AFNOG Welcome Message
0910hrs - 0915hrs     Speech from Ministry of Communication
0915hrs - 0920hrs     Speech from ICANN/AfriNIC - Pierr D
0920hrs - 1000hrs     Key Note Speech from ISOC CEO
1000hrs - 1030hrs     AfNOG Report - Isatou Jah

1030hrs - 1100hrs     Tea & Coffee Break

1100hrs - 1130hrs     .TZ KSK Algorithm Rollover by Simon Balthazar   
1130hrs - 1200hrs      Online Training for African NOGs by Kevin Chege 
1200hrs - 1230hrs      IPv6 readiness analysis for Ethiotelecom by Seyoum Damtew  

1230hrs - 1400hrs     Lunch Break

1400hrs - 1430hrs     Impact of Cloud Computing, for decision makers - Karim Jouini 
1430hrs - 1500hrs     Peering and Content - Thomas Volmer
1500hrs - 1530hrs     Core Internet Infrastructure - Hillary Chituwu

1530hrs - 1600hrs     Tea & Coffee Break

1600hrs - 1630hrs     AFRINIC IRR - Neriah Sossou
1630hrs - 1700hrs     Trans-boundary issues in Cybersecurity by Towela Nyirenda 
1700hrs - 1730hrs     TCP/IP Perfomance over high-bandwidth-delay paths by Hussein Selmi

AFRINIC-22 - PDP Day (Policy Discussion) - 3 June

AFRINIC-22 - IANA Transition Panel /  AFRINIC AGMM - 4 June

AFRINIC 22- 5 June 

Plenary Room

8:30 -10:00      RIR Global Updates.
10:00 -10:30    Coffee Break
10:30 -12:00    AFRINIC Service Updates
12:00 - 13:30   Lunch Break

13:30 -15:00  - IG Panel

13:30 - 13:45 - Stakeholders involvement and participation in the Internet governance ecosystem - Enrico Calandro
13:45 - 14:00 - How to foster Broadband Internet Development in Africa? - Mongi Marzoug
14:00-14:15 -   The Internet and Economic Development- The Case for ICT Infrastructure.- Towela Jere
14:15-14:30 -  Écosystème de  TIC  au Tchad - Abdeldjalil Bong
14:30-14:45 -  New Internet and Economic Development - Tijani Ben Jemma
14:45 - 15:00 - Q&As

Moderator: TBC

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break 

15:30 - 1600 - End-User Measurement through paid advertisement
16:00-16:15 - RIPE Atlas & RIPEstat
16:15 -16:30 - Q&As

16:30 -17:30 - Open Mic

Side Room

ICT in Business panel (1)

8:30 - 8:45 -Lean Design for African Start-ups -  Ian Muntari
8:45 - 9:00 - ICT and tourism, the new economy of tourism sector - Majdi Calousso
9:00 - 9:15 - Tracking Capital Budgets in Nigeria - Seun Fakude
9:15- 9:30 - How Mobile Internet helps Kenya to leverage Passenger Feedback to improve Road Safety - Bernard Adongo
9:30-10:00 - Q&As

Moderator: TBC

ICT in Business panel (2)

10:30-10:45 - P2P Name Systems : Potential Disruptions - Michael Graff 
10:45 - 11:00 -Mtoli application de transaction mobile multiopérateur cas Côte d'Ivoire - Dandou Nadege
11:00 - 11:15- Usefulness of "Design  Thinking" for Young entrepeneurs in ICT - Farell Folly
11:15 - 11;30 - Accès, utilitaire et le développement- Phillipe Sibiro 
11:30 - 12:00 - Q&As 

Moderator: TBC




Ashil Oogarah
Technical Communications Writer/Editor, 
t: +230 403 51 00 | f: +230 466 6758 | tt: @afrinic | w: 
facebook.com/afrinic | flickr.com/afrinic | youtube.com/afrinicmedia


Join us for AIS’15 in Tunisia
24 May - 5 June, 2015

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