[AfrIPv6-Discuss] SAFNOG-7: 3 Days to Go! Register Now to Attend

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Sat Aug 27 16:51:25 UTC 2022

Hello all.

With just 3 days to go, we are all very excited to see you in Cape Town, 
next Tuesday.

Please refer to the highlights below for next week's meeting.

The Day 1 social - NAPAfrica's Beers for Peers - is now open for 
registration. Please do so here so you can reserve your place early 
enough. Entrance is free of charge:


The Day 2 social will be held at the Grand Africa Cafe & Beach, in 
Granger Bay. Tickets to attend will be provided to registered 
participants, at the conference venue. Entrance is free of charge:


See you all soon, and happy travels :-).


On 8/19/22 15:02, Mark Tinka wrote:
> Hello all.
> With 10 days to go to the 7th edition of SAFNOG, we are delighted, and 
> excited, to welcome you all to sunny and vibrant Cape Town, where we 
> can all see each other after 2 years of social distancing.
> We have put together a very exciting program that covers a number of 
> new, trending, thoughtful, operational and technical topics from 
> within our community. Here are some key highlights:
>   * The arrival of the new Equiano cable system, and what it means for
>     the region, presented by Jonathan Davidson, Google.
>   * A keynote on how value within the telecommunications space is
>     shifting, and what the modern telco may need to look like for the
>     future, by Edgar Kasenene, IDEX.
>   * A panel on what the ongoing semi conductor shortages are doing to
>     the industry, represented by vendors, operators and distributors,
>     and hosted by yours truly.
>   * The new paradigm in submarine cable design, using SDM (Spatial
>     Division Multiplexing), presented by Alan Hollander, Infinera.
>   * ... and a whole lot more!
> Check out the full agenda here:
> https://safnog.org/event/agenda.html
> If you haven't yet, please register to attend, and also book your 
> hotel accommodation using SAFNOG's preferred rate, at:
> https://safnog.org/
> The Day 1 social will be Beers For Peers, hosted by NAPAfrica.
> The Day 2 social will be hosted by Iris Network Systems.
> If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to:
>     secretariat at safnog dot org
> We look forward to seeing you in Cape Town.
> Happy travels!
> Mark.
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