[AfrIPv6-Discuss] «Preparing for IPv6-only mobile networks : why and how»

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Thu Jun 2 07:27:15 UTC 2016

On 2/Jun/16 09:13, Willy MANGA wrote:

> Hi,
> I guess some of you have already read that article but let me give you
> the link:
> https://blogs.akamai.com/2016/06/preparing-for-ipv6-only-mobile-networks-why-and-how.html
> So, can we really move forward guys ? :)

In my experience, the economic incentive to keep NAT444 in mobile
networks vs. going any kind of IPv6 is balanced more in favour of the

I applaud folk like Apple using their market power to "force the issue".
How mobile operators will react to that will be interesting, but it
could make for a lot more impact of Android did the same.

This one will be hard to predict, especially when a good portion of the
capex budget of the typical large scale mobile operator goes to NAT444.


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