[afripv6-discuss] A MOOC about IPv6 (French speaking)

Bruno Stevant bruno.stevant at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 14:47:17 UTC 2015

Hello dear African IPv6 enthousiasts,

I am writing on behalf of the Association G6 (French association for IPv6
promotion and deployment) to inform you about the recent opening of
registrations for the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) "Objectif IPv6".

IPv6 skills is now a must-have for network professionals. We believe that
the innovative learning platform that is a MOOC has the capability to
educate a large number of students and professionals on the best practices
to deploy and maintain IPv6 networks.

Registrations for this course are now possible through the France
Université Numérique platform at this URL :
The first materials will be available during October.

Feel free to register yourself and to forward this news to your own
network. Updates on the course are also provided using the Twitter account

We hope you will enjoy this MOOC !

Secrétaire de l'association G6 - http://g6.asso.fr
Responsable Groupe de Travail Formation
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